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Thread: Trigger Bowens flash with Nikon SU-800?

  1. #1

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    Trigger Bowens flash with Nikon SU-800?

    Do any of you know if and how it's possible to trigger a set of Bowens flash (Gemmini 500r and Gemmini 400) with a Nikon flash controller (SU-800).

    Have tried it and it works OK as for triggering the flash, but the sync does not work. My guess is that the SU-800 fires a set of preflashes that triggers the Bowens flashes too soon.

    Can I do something with the SU-800?
    Can I do something with the Bowens flashes?

    Do any of you have a recipie to get this setup working? (SU-800 and Bowens gemmini flashes)

    -- Søren

  2. #2
    inkista's Avatar
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    Re: Trigger Bowens flash with Nikon SU-800?

    The Bowens don't speak CLS and the SU-800 pretty much doesn't speak anything else, so chances are good you won't be able to set them off with it directly.

    I'd actually recommend using your pop-up flash, set to Manual and "--" to trigger the slaves on the Bowens, or getting some cheap radio triggers like Cactus V5s.

  3. #3

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    Re: Trigger Bowens flash with Nikon SU-800?

    Hi inkista

    Thanks for your answer.

    I already do have two Pocket Wizard triggers and the work really well.

    The reason for looking at the Nikon SU-800 is that it would convenient to have the trigger on the camera thet triggered all flashes. Right now the wizard triggers one specific flash which in turn slave-triggers the others.

    When I do a setup I measure one flash at a time to determine light ratio between main and fill, meausre backdrop by it self etc. Here it would be easy to turn off all flashes except the one that I measure ... and in this way go through the flashes in the setup.

    The SU-800 is almost there. It's only the sync that is a problem. The Bowens flashes reacts on the pre-flashes. I'øve read somewhere that you can configure the Bowens flashes not to react on the pre-flashes but only on the real burst.
    But the Bowens documentation is about the worst in the world.

    Well, it not a real problem. Would just be nice to have this SU-800 - Bowens option as well.

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