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Thread: That silvery look

  1. #1
    OldCrow's Avatar
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    Dave Corbett

    That silvery look

    Hello folks,

    I'm trying to duplicate a look that I've seen and can't quite describe. I'm sure you've all seen it; a slivery, contrasty, liquid platinum look.

    Instead of posting someone else's image I've tried to duplicate it here.

    That silvery look

    I'm close, but the effect I'm looking for seems to show more skin sheen and holds detail in the shadows better. I'm actually outdoors in twilight and wearing a black shirt.

    The light is from my DIY Ringflash. Maybe the effect I'm after is lighting and I'm barking up the wrong tree?

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: That silvery look

    Hi Dave,

    Now I'm not sure if what I am about to suggest is a valid route to go, or a wrong turn!

    I have found that if I seriously over-egg the noise reduction, say using Neat Image, it can give a plasticy sheen finish to foliage, for example. You'd obviously have to play around with the settings and the sampled area to see if you can achieve the effect you're after.

    Of course a side effect is you'll lose skin detail and look younger

    No time now, but if you don't have Neat Image, I may give it a go on your picture later.


  3. #3

    Re: That silvery look

    Hi Dave

    Is it the "Dragan effect" you're looking for? (see 'Personal Work' in his portfolio here)

    If it is, googling for "dragan effect tutorial" will bring back more tuts than you can shake a stick at!

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: That silvery look

    Intrigued; I made time, this was achieved in about a minute with Neat Image.

    It may be too far.

    The sample area (taken from above bridge of your nose) was too small really, I need a bigger original to work from ideally. this would leave better defined "major wrinkles" and eye brows, both of which were unavoidably in the sample area.

    That silvery look

    What do you think?


  5. #5
    OldCrow's Avatar
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    Re: That silvery look

    Quote Originally Posted by GillR View Post
    Hi Dave

    Is it the "Dragan effect" you're looking for?
    That's it! Thanks for the name. This sample of his work really shows the effect I'm looking for;

    That silvery look

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: That silvery look

    In this new example, it's looking more like a feature of the lighting; contrasty, little fill, sharp key and rim lights that you're after.

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