Pink flowers. Pink polka dots. Ribbon. Can't go wrong with that! I'm a bit partial to the first image, because of the composition, I think.
Sharon "daling", hehe, I am not a pink girl myself, but I think it looks good. I would even try a pink background. It seems to me that the white is too much of a contrast, too strong, I think.
I like both but I prefer the second one because of the soft look, perhaps brought on largely by the toning and the diffusion at the bottom. Great job!
Good..good......thanks you lovely guys.
That answers an important question for me.
I like the second one better. The background flowers in the first one disturb me. I want to put them in focus.
Thanks Mary....sorry the first one disturbs you.I think it's my favourite of the two.
Mike...t'was nothing sinister, just interested in what tonal values appealed and to who.