Big Bang Theory...
What was planned as a twenty minute fireworks display on San Diego Bay (California) accidently went off in one big fifteen second bang! Luckily no one was injured...
Here's one that I took. It was great fun -can't wait to do it again!
_DSC0014 by kutsies pics, on Flickr
I am still learning how to take still photos of fireworks and the photos above are amazing! I was trying to learn how to capture fireworks on HD Video with my D5100 this year... Trying to find as many tips/tricks for taking shots of fireworks as I can right now. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
First timmer here. I have never taken any keepable fireworks pictures before. I have Canon 40D and had never learned to use bulb..or my remote shutter release. Guess what, I got some pictures.. Lots of throw-a-ways but a few keepers. Using the 40D with the EF 24-105. Settings F/16., Iso 100, Exposure mode manual, Focal Length 105
Trina (above) and I were standing side by side trying for pictures.
Here are a few from the middle of the US, St. Louis. Taken with 5d mkII/24-105L + tripod + remote trigger + bulb mode. Focus just in front of the infinity mark on your lens and vary the apeture betweeen f8-22 (f11 seemed to work well for me). Occasionally zoom to vary the composition. Take LOTS of shots and sort them out later ;-)
Your photos came out AMAZING... at least in my opinion I have to practice shots like that!
Brayn what beautiful shots!!
From July 1st, Canada's birthday.
Canada Day by M.J. Hencher, on Flickr
The local fire department puts on a nice, 20 minute show of fireworks in one of the ball fields by the rink and high school. This year, the weather was perfect for the display.
Great shot Myra. I love the "Crackle" fireworks, although I've never gotten a good shot.
Thanks Dan. Thanks Muriel.
Hi Folks
Hope you don't mind my posting here as they are not Indipendence Day but a local festival small fireworks display.
The display took place last evening, so off I enthusiastically went for my first fireworks shoot, it was a bit of a disaster but I think I learned a lot. One blunder was no checking the custom functions on the camera, long exposure noise reduction was enabled and after the first shot all I could do was watch the next set of fireworks while the camera did it's thing.
Here is the only shot that I got, Best Wishes Pat
All these fireworks shots are beautiful! Dan, my technique was pretty close to Bryans, just a different camera and lens. If you start with his info (try ISO 100 or 200) and then tweak to suit your gear and situation, you should be fine. A tripod and use of the bulb mode make things a lot easier than trying to shoot handheld. That said, you can get some really interesting effects without the tripod, too, as a bit of shake sometimes adds some interest.
Thanks for giving us a spot to share our fireworks, Ryo
Can I have your picture info, please? Thank you. Amazing shot.
Hi phugiay,
Not sure if this is your real name, if not you can add your name to your profile. I'm not sure if the info you want is for the shot that I posted if it is I am happy to give you the picture info.
Manual Mode, Bulb, 143sec at f/16, 35mm. I also placed a black card over the lens between fireworks. The exposure at the point where the fireworks were shot from built up and caused the blown highlights.
Hope this is of help, Best Wishes, Pat.
Hi Ollokot
Thank you. I am going to take the picture of firework tonight so I want to get some information. This is my third time so I hope it will be better. Thank you