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Thread: Some San Francisco Night Shots

  1. #1

    Some San Francisco Night Shots

    After a long gap , back again :-)
    All with Nikon D200, 18-200mm, Phottix
    Pic 1
    Some San Francisco Night Shots
    Pic 2 (some WB diff with pic 1)
    Some San Francisco Night Shots
    Pic 3 - City hall
    Some San Francisco Night Shots
    Pic 4 - City hall
    Some San Francisco Night Shots
    Pic 5 - City hall again
    Some San Francisco Night Shots

    Comments are welcome :-)

    Last edited by ajith.rajeswari; 2nd August 2009 at 06:59 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Some San Francisco Night Shots

    Hi again Ajith,

    I'd like to know the EXIF data for these.

    They all look nice in they're own right, but having several of the same view with different WB is a bit distracting - meaning I can't make up my mind which I like best


  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Southern California

    Re: Some San Francisco Night Shots

    nice pics..I am not sure which is my fav..1 or 2...

  4. #4

    Re: Some San Francisco Night Shots

    Terrific shots! I prefer #2 to #1, just because I've seen that exact scene, and fell in love with it

    I love San Franciso, must go back again soon

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Coventry, UK

    Re: Some San Francisco Night Shots

    Fantastic photo's Ajith, I like the way you have played around with the WB.

  6. #6
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: Some San Francisco Night Shots

    Wonderful pictures, Ajith. 2 and 3 are my favorites,

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sydney, Australia

    Re: Some San Francisco Night Shots


    All of these are nice pictures. The first two have a nice silk feeling on the water.
    The last three are very sharp, which sometimes I have a difficulty to achieve.

    I agree with Dave, it would be better to provide EXIF data for these shots. For me, I like to know your exposure times for the first 2 pictures, and focal lengths for the last three.

  8. #8

    Re: Some San Francisco Night Shots

    Hi All,

    Thanks for the comments ..
    Please find the exif details for the first two pics

    Pic 1 EXIF
    ISO : 100
    WB : 3200
    Aperture : f/16
    Shutter : 146 sec
    Focal Length : 18 mm
    EV : 0
    Sharpness : Medium
    Exposure Mode : Manual

    Pic 2 EXIF
    ISO : 100
    WB : 2650
    Aperture : f/16
    Shutter : 130 sec
    Focal Length : 18 mm
    EV : 0
    Sharpness : Medium
    Exposure Mode : Manual

    More than 30 sec exposure achieved by Phottix remote shutter release..Wireless Shutter Release For Nikon
    Earlier I used timer for remote shutter release which had a max limit of 30 secs.

  9. #9

    Re: Some San Francisco Night Shots

    Quote Originally Posted by Yan Zhang View Post

    All of these are nice pictures. The first two have a nice silk feeling on the water.
    The last three are very sharp, which sometimes I have a difficulty to achieve.

    I agree with Dave, it would be better to provide EXIF data for these shots. For me, I like to know your exposure times for the first 2 pictures, and focal lengths for the last three.
    Hi Yan,
    Pic 3 : ISO 100, f/16, 13.7 sec, 62mm
    Pic 4 : ISO 100, f/16, 26.7 sec, 18mm
    Pic 5 : ISO 100, f/16, 21.7 sec, 27mm


  10. #10

    Re: Some San Francisco Night Shots

    Quote Originally Posted by crusty View Post
    Fantastic photo's Ajith, I like the way you have played around with the WB.
    Thanks Crusty.

  11. #11

    Re: Some San Francisco Night Shots

    Quote Originally Posted by Yan Zhang View Post

    All of these are nice pictures. The first two have a nice silk feeling on the water.
    The last three are very sharp, which sometimes I have a difficulty to achieve.

    I agree with Dave, it would be better to provide EXIF data for these shots. For me, I like to know your exposure times for the first 2 pictures, and focal lengths for the last three.
    Hi Yan,
    I forgot to add some more details ..For shutter release I use the mirror-up option and while post processing I add 30% sharpness, also crop the pics a bit... hope I answered your questions.


  12. #12
    Sai C's Avatar
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    Re: Some San Francisco Night Shots


    Those are pretty sharp and beautiful pictures. I think I like #2 more than #1.

    #1 seems to be a little too "warm" , but hey that's just me. The other shots of City Hall are just fantastically (if that's even a word) sharp.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Last edited by Sai C; 19th August 2009 at 03:46 PM. Reason: Corrected spelling

  13. #13

    Re: Some San Francisco Night Shots

    Quote Originally Posted by Sai C View Post

    Those are pretty sharp and beautiful pictures. I think I like #2 more than #1.

    #1 seems to be a little too "warm" , but hey that's just me. The other shots of City Hall are just fantastically (if that's even a word) sharp.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Thanks Sai. More to come.
    You have a nice flickr-collection too.


  14. #14
    Sai C's Avatar
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    Re: Some San Francisco Night Shots

    Quote Originally Posted by ajith.rajeswari View Post
    Thanks Sai. More to come.
    You have a nice flickr-collection too.

    I'm looking forward to he next set of pictures and thanks for your cmment about my Flickr collection Ajith!



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