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Thread: Be Myself

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Be Myself

    Hi All,

    I have not shared photos in a while and I believe I know why. I am intimidated and always trying to get the "Great shot" comment. I find myself comparing too much to others here and elsewhere and I don't share my own shots. I tell myself that they are not good enough to share.

    Well, I need to stop that. I will share whether I feel it is awesome or just for your thoughts. So, with that, below are two photos. The first is a cropped version. The second is the original size, but has some PP do on it.

    Thank you.

    Be Myself
    Above, cropped. Below original uncropped.
    Be Myself

  2. #2
    gregj1763's Avatar
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    re: Be Myself

    HI Erik, Don't be shy about putting your photo's out there for C&C. It's the only way to learn.
    We are all friendly here
    Your cropped version is the better of the two. However I feel that the photograph is all about the contrast between the orange / tan leaf and the green of the hedge.
    Perhaps a different angle to lose the dark background of the trees might be worth considering.
    An interesting photo. Look forward to seeing more.
    Cheers, Greg

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2012
    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    re: Be Myself

    I like the story being told in this image, especially in the cropped version. If you like the concept as much as I do, consider working it by using different compositions, different angles, interesting perspectives and the like. Keep a bag of brightly colored dead leaves with you and use them to your advantage when you come upon a scene.

    I'm guessing that you didn't use a polarizer filter. It could have been used to great advantage to minimize the glare in the green leaves.

    It's great to see your resolve to post your images! Rather than hope for compliments, consider asking for critique. I always ask for critique and recently did so when I shared one of my all-time favorite images. After making three changes that were suggested, I like the image even more. Sharing really doesn't get any better than that.

  4. #4
    Plumcrak's Avatar
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    re: Be Myself

    Erik, I also like the cropped version best and would agree with Greg and Mike on trying different angles and perspectives. I have never had a problem posting photos on this site because of all the friendly people on here and because of what I have learned from their comments and critique. Different people will see what you may miss in a photo. My main drawback has been commenting on other peoples work. I have the feeling that because I am below amature status that my opinion does not matter. Well, everybody has a different angle on things and if my opinion can help somebody, I guess it is a good thing. I am working on this. Nice shots...keep them coming.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    re: Be Myself

    Quote Originally Posted by plumcrak View Post
    My main drawback has been commenting on other peoples work. I have the feeling that because I am below amature status that my opinion does not matter.

    My experience is that critiquing and posting about others' photos helps me critique and alter my own photos. Everybody's opinion is worth consideration. As an example, you made some very astute comments here in this thread. I know that to be true because you agreed with my comments. Seriously, continue posting your thoughts, as I'm sure I'm not alone in looking forward to reviewing them.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Re: Be Myself

    Thanks for your encouragement and comments.
    My shell shall crack.


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