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Thread: humans vs zombies

  1. #1

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    humans vs zombies

    I shot an event for a friend/the university newspaper last night. It was basically a glorified game of tag with nerf guns. "Humans" had the guns and had to complete missions, "zombies" had to tag the humans to turn them to zombies. It was lots of fun to shoot, but now I'm really regretting my decision not to buy a black rapid strap :P

    humans vs zombies

    I'll link you guys to wherever the other photos get posted when they get put up (there are 60 something good ones, so it would be a bit cumbersome to upload them all here :P)

  2. #2
    allenlennon's Avatar
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    Re: humans vs zombies

    I play this with my nephews and their mates. They get me to be the guy with the gun, and they have fun trying to turn me into a zombie, hahaha. Love the pic

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: humans vs zombies

    Excuse my ignorance but what is a "black rapid strap" and how would that help with the shoot?

  4. #4
    TheEvilDonut's Avatar
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    Re: humans vs zombies

    Quote Originally Posted by AB26 View Post
    Excuse my ignorance but what is a "black rapid strap" and how would that help with the shoot?
    I would also like to have an answer to this question.

  5. #5
    Quinn's Avatar
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    Re: humans vs zombies

    likewise !

  6. #6

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    Re: humans vs zombies

    It is a camera strap that goes over your shoulder intead of around you neck.

  7. #7
    TheEvilDonut's Avatar
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    Re: humans vs zombies

    I want one. Now.

    No really. I want one.

  8. #8

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    Re: humans vs zombies

    Must have been fun.

    Seems to be turning into a BR strap thread.

    Like everyone I used the supplied Canon strap the first day I got the camera. Killed my shoulders. Thought it was due to the hardness of the the collar and got one with those gel types the next day. Was better but still killed my shoulders. Got a BR strap the 3rd day and have never looked back since. The little pocket in the collar holds my spare cards, an extra battery and a small flashlight and laser pointer.

    One thing to note is that the lens will be pointing downwards and extra care should be taken when sitting down etc. Normally the lens hood should be good enough but the shallow ones that come with the wider lens are not much protection for the front element. Either attach a filter (I don't use one) or just be extra careful. With long lens that is ok because the hoods are pretty long anyway.

    Oh, one other thing - be sure to tighten the fastener screw each time you use the strap otherwise....

  9. #9
    Quinn's Avatar
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    Re: humans vs zombies

    Thanks for that Luc,

    Man, I dont think you could wring any more design out of a STRAP !!

    Is there no end to the 'must have' photographic accessories!!!

    Having said that, Not a bad idea!!


  10. #10

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    Re: humans vs zombies

    I have the BlackRapid RS7 strap, it is really nice! Saves your shoulders. However, if you do a lot of work with a tripod then it becomes a hassle. I have a Nikon D300s and a Slik tripod with a ball head. The ball head has a clamp-on female plate. The camera has a male plate attached to the bottom that makes it easy and quick to clamp onto/remove from the tripod. The male camera plate attaches to the camera vs the lens tripod attach point as shown in the video. The BlackRapid strap screws into the tripod screw hole so you have to remove it before attaching the camera to the tripod. I get really nervous handling a camera without the security of a strap. So, removing the strap in order to attach the camera to a tripod is really scary for me, insurance or no insurance.

    Also, if you leave the BlackRapid strap attached to the camera when placing the camera into your bag then I think (haven't had it long enough to really checked it out) that the attach point assembly will chafe at the camera bag and eventually wear a hole in the bag.

    Don't get me wrong, I really like the BlackRapid strap for walking around and primarily hand-holding the camera for shooting. It's easy, it's quick, and it is way more comfortable on your shoulder. Gotta have one.


  11. #11
    TheEvilDonut's Avatar
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    Re: humans vs zombies

    Quote Originally Posted by Quinn View Post
    Is there no end to the 'must have' photographic accessories!!!
    I don't think so.

  12. #12

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    Re: humans vs zombies

    More useful info from Ken.

    Yes tripod mounting can be an issue. Luckily what I need to mount on a tripod usually has a tripod collar so the strap goes on the camera and the lens hangs off the collar.

    It is not a good idea to leave the strap attached for storage. I usually take it off and put it in a side pocket to prevent the metal from ever touching any lens. Otherwise will put it in the pouch that comes with it.

  13. #13

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    Re: humans vs zombies

    Quote Originally Posted by TheEvilDonut View Post
    No really. I want one.
    Well, well,well, what do you know.

    If ever visiting SA, a little advice - leave it at home! You will be left with a cut strap only and no camera.

  14. #14

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    Re: humans vs zombies

    Quote Originally Posted by TheEvilDonut View Post
    No really. I want one.
    Sorry, this was a duplication - something wrong here

  15. #15

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    Re: humans vs zombies

    I actually ended up getting one yesterday. Thursday will be the major test of it, though I'm sure it will help.

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