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Thread: A new monitor for post processing

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Marco Andrade

    A new monitor for post processing

    Hi all I am currently planing in aquiring a better monitor for photo editing as my old one is not in the best shape for it. I would like opinions on this model, take note that I0m budget limit. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: A new monitor for post processing

    Looking at the price point I see on the web, this is appears to be a TN type monitor. These low end monitors do not do a good job with accurate colour rendition for PP work.

    When researching a monitor for this type of work, good colour rendition is a must. Unless the spec includes compliance with sRBG and even better with AdobeRBG standards, I would keep looking elsewhere. If the spec doesn't mention this, you can assume that the model in question doesn't meet the required level of performance.

    The other issue is size. I find 22" monitors a bit small for PP work and probably wouldn't look at anything below 24".

  3. #3
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: A new monitor for post processing

    I got an LG IPS panel:

    The truth is that what the reviewers say, and about purple tint and the rest is right. It is flimsy but it is a monitor not a tank.

    If you have proper calibration hardware; all of a sudden you don't have purple tint, and it is pretty much perfect to about 175 degrees.

    But isn't that good enough. It cost about the same as a good TN (which you don't need). What you need is something that works, not something that cost a lot.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Marco Andrade

    Re: A new monitor for post processing

    I think I found one with IPS technology and sRGB and about the same price. Asus VS229H . Yes Steve at this moment I need one that doesn't go off from 10 to 10 minutes :P . Manfred I know what type of monitors you mean, but for a starter that kicks me off the budget limit, but thanks for the clarification.

    Here's a link for a review of this model that takes it in deep, if someone with good knowledge of PP monitors could take a look and taking into account that I can only afford something around this price, please give me a highlight. The Link .

    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by MFCA; 10th July 2012 at 03:46 PM.

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: A new monitor for post processing

    Quote Originally Posted by MFCA View Post
    I think I found one with IPS technology and sRGB and about the same price. Asus VS229H . Yes Steve at this moment I need one that doesn't go off from 10 to 10 minutes :P . Manfred I know what type of monitors you mean, but for a starter that kicks me off the budget limit, but thanks for the clarification.

    I'm thinking of buying this model, has sRgb compliance but has a big downside and that's holding me back, 14 ms refresh rate !!!!
    Marco: The refresh rate won't bother you if you are using the monitor mainly for PP. If you are watching HD sports on it or playing action video games, then it will be an issue, but not for image processing.

    Don't forget that even with a reasonable monitor, you will still need to calibrate it and you should budget for getting a unit (not cheap either). Best option for you would be to borrow one, if you know someone that has one. As LCD screens are quite stable a single calibration will probably be fine. I used to recalibrate my CRT at least monthly and have found that my LCD display has not changed at all in over a year.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Marco Andrade

    Re: A new monitor for post processing

    Lol Manfred, over here in Azores very few know that a good monitor for PP has to have sRGB compliance, so my hopes for a borrowed calibration tool are terrible low. But thanks anyway mate, any doubt's about calibration I will give you a ring if you don't mind

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