Originally Posted by
thanks grumpy driver, but i must say that, im not printing on my printer, i can and have and produced great standard photo size for a album, and can go up to A4, but the price of ink(let alone how much ink it uses to print photos) is not exactly cheap, and i cant refill my cartridges, if i could i would print my own photos, even to test. I will be going to a photo kiosk in my pharmacy, i printed a fair few photos, Some just under the A4 size. And they do great, and i just looked at the PPI for them and they were low as 72PPI and as high as 350PPI. I cant really tell if their is any image loss or not. And i dont really resize my photos(lately i have but wont be anymore). If i do need to resize for the internet than i will save it twice, one for the original size and one resized for the net. This way if i am going to print it out, i can find out the biggest print i can get and work down from there to get the size i need. Well, i geuss that answeared my question haha. Thank you all for helping out.