Phil those shot are amazing, my daugther spent a month there 2 yrs ago, as part of her teaching program. Steve great images of London, look forward to seeing more, Big Ben is just great and the eye look good in it.
Well I went out to try to shoot Healey Fall in the moon light, shot a number of images trying to find the best method, what I ended up doing was the load a number in Photoshop and had it stack them as if was making a pan. Now the thing was the exposures, f-stops and ISO were all over the place 8 seconds to 60 seconds, f8 to f11 and ISO100, 400,800. Just loaded eight images in and waited to see what would happen, because some were quite dark, some medium lightness, and some brighter they worked, added some layers, cloning, crop and I think the experiment turned out quite well.
Well you guys will be the judge.