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Ooooh, YES! The tutorials on this site are unbelievable and amazing!
I read the sensor one and compact vs dslr when I was trying to choose between a bridge, crossover, and crop sensor DSLR and it helped a lot in making a decision.
I'm reading the exposure tutorial now to try and get that into my noggin' to figure out how they fit together. I think I'll be shooting with only one adjustment for a while (aperture priority or shutter priority) to see what changes before I try some fully manual shots.
After that, I want a better understanding of depth of field and how I can make the object I'm shooting at stand out when the background is blurry and also depth of field as it relates to the entire landscape.
I also want to learn tips on making water smooth and showing motion of an object.
Basically -- I will read all of the tutorials and learn from them as much as I can, because they are all priceless and in great detail!