I like the way you are interested in average people. So many posters seem to concentrate on buildings, landscapes, flowers and those darn ever-present sunsets. It is refreshing to know that there is at least one photographer who is also interested in people...
Keep up the good work and keep posting.
Thanks, Richard.![]()
Thats a very strong image willie. I like the conversion as well. How about Danica, for a title.
This is one of those images that stops you in your tracks and yopu have to look at it. Very strong image Willie. I'm trying to work out why. It's obviously the arrangement and the composition of the people, but also, I think, that you 'caught the moment'. Excellent piece of work.
What is becoming very clear in your work is the respect you have for your subjects. No subject is ever shown in a way that demeans or degrades them. Despite whetever hardship they may face in their life, you are revealing their lives to us in a way that preserves and, indeed, promotes, their dignity. That is a great skill.
Thank you very much for your comments, Donald. It's so interesting that you were able to see deeper through my images about my intent. I've seen a lot of street photography shots on other local forums here and I have to admit it does look more "sensational" and thought-provoking to see images of street people at their lowest state. However, It was my personal decision to avoid this style and wait for moments where I can show the other side of their life without degrading them as individuals. My images are for myself alone. I am satisfying my desire to portray people as equals regardless of their financial and social standing in life. I don't care if I don't earn any money from my photography. I simply love taking pictures and capture images of people as a person and not as an object for personal gain. I shall keep on doing this for I find personal delight in seeing others as equal to me. I also want to thank you for finding out the hidden idea behind my images - dignity.
If we had an assignment to capture worry or tension, you would have aced it. Wonderful capture of the expressions on all four faces. Makes me wonder what is coming down the road, or what they are all waiting for with such tension......well done!
How often in this modern age do we get to see all members of a family completely attuned to the same thing? And each of them seems to have a slightly different response and level of understanding/anticipation. This is so much about expression (body and face) that any color would have stolen from this image. I think this is superb.
What a great photo. I Love the tension on all of their faces. It brings out curiosity. What are they looking at? Why are they so tense? I agree, having it in B&W was the perfect chose. This is a perfect example to use to explain why some photos need to be in B&W.
Just one suggestion: a minor adjustment I would make if you haven't attempted it yet, is to crop out the body on the right. It may be a tight squeeze though and probably may affect the photo. My eyes wants to end with the woman on the right but I keep seeing the arm.
Last edited by orlcam88; 17th July 2012 at 02:01 PM. Reason: grammer
This is a great photo. The faces lof the four people are all concerned about what is going on. The smallest girl sems to be saying something like "that is not good" and the others something like "that's just not right". Thanks for sharing
An excellent image. The whole family are focused on whatever is happening off to their right. Really makes you wonder what is happening.
Hi Jiro,
I find your recent post eye-catching and several levels.
Could you share with me (us) how you prepare for such photos. I would guess that this is a candid shot and that you did not instruct the family whats so ever. Are you walking in the streets, or do you find an area and find what moves you?
And finally, how do you approach your subjects afterwards.
Thank you for sharing your passion and leading by example.
Hello, Erik. Thanks for viewing my work.
I don't have a definite agenda when it comes to street photography, Erik since I am still trying to learn this. However, I find two interesting approach when doing street photography that really helped me.
1. If you find an interesting subject to shoot, stay with it until you notice something that would make a story when you press the shutter.
That's what happened with this shot. I saw this family sitting on the central cement block looking at the parade participants. The way they positioned themselves really caught my attention. So, what I did is to zoom my lens to allow all of them to fill the frame and simply wait for that moment that all their facial reactions look very interesting. I saw the man on the left keeping the same reaction so I told myself "One down". Then Danica, the girl at the far right was keeping the same reaction, too so that's "two down" for me. The little girl was the third one and when I saw that serious look on the middle girl that's the time I pressed the shutter and got this image. It takes a lot of luck and timing to produce a satisfactory image. All you have to do is to stick to your subject and be patient.
2. If you find the right background or "stage" to compose your shot, stay at your vantage point and wait for the subjects to come.
This is more like fishing. Once you found a nice spot, settle down and throw your bait then wait for the fish to bite. Let's say, you saw a very nice concrete wall along a certain road and the light is just right. However, there was no subject to shoot at. What would you do? ... You wait. I remember Jay Maisel when he was interviewed by Scott Kelby. They were walking along the streets of New York and Scott was asking Jay some questions about his lens choice, aperture setting, blah blah blahs when suddenly Jay stopped. Scott said "Why are we stopping?" then Jay Maisel said "That crimson brick wall is just gorgeous. Maybe something would happen while we're here so we wait." Then, in a matter of minutes a postman came and he was wearing this blue uniform that really stands out against the red bricks. Then another "actor" came, and another, and another. Pretty impressive isn't it? I kinda agree with Jay Maisel's concept on street photography: Don't walk to cover a lot of ground. Walk to find an interesting subject or a nice background and wait for something to happen.
Most of my recent street shots are variations of these two principles. Usually, I go with the latter. Once I see this nice location, I will immediately walk around it to see at what angle would it be best to take advantage of this background and wait for my "actors" to come. Hope this helps, Erik and good luck on your street photography stuff.![]()
The whole group seems to be disapproving something they are viewing off to their right. You could call it "Opinion" or something along those lines. It is interesting how each age group seems to have the same opinion. I love the shadows on each of their faces, nice job there!