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Thread: On-screen User Guides for 1Dx and 5D3

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    On-screen User Guides for 1Dx and 5D3

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    Markvetnz's Avatar
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    Re: On-screen User Guides for 1Dx and 5D3

    Thanks for that. I got a call from my local dealer today saying that my 1DX would be in next week. Cant' wait.

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    Re: On-screen User Guides for 1Dx and 5D3

    Quote Originally Posted by Markvetnz View Post
    Thanks for that. I got a call from my local dealer today saying that my 1DX would be in next week. Cant' wait.
    It's a beast & a half!

    Did my first studio shoot with mine last Sunday - went pretty well. ZERO shadow noise when I whack the fill light to the max, which is good to know. Had a surprising number of OOF frames though -- I've since expanded the AF selection to use surrounding AF points as well - will have to see if that helps.

    Mine didn't ship with an EOS Utilities CD (only a manual CD) - couldn't shoot tethered until I got that sorted (as Canon in their infinite wisdom haven't made the software available online). Was good to get tethered shooting working over the LAN.

    Other than that, no great surprises, although still waiting on things (RRS bracket so I can tripod mount - still around 3 weeks away), and a 128GB CF Card (about a week away).

    Zillion & 1 setup options -- but they've pretty much sunk in now that I've ploughed through them for the 50th time!

    Frames seem less sharp in ACR - I've got a feeling that I might need to use a bit of micro focussing adjustment (got the camera the same time as I got my 70-200 F2.8L IS USM II repaired, so not sure which it is yet) (if any).

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    Re: On-screen User Guides for 1Dx and 5D3

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    It's a beast & a half!

    Did my first studio shoot with mine last Sunday - went pretty well. ZERO shadow noise when I whack the fill light to the max, which is good to know. Had a surprising number of OOF frames though -- I've since expanded the AF selection to use surrounding AF points as well - will have to see if that helps.

    Mine didn't ship with an EOS Utilities CD (only a manual CD) - couldn't shoot tethered until I got that sorted (as Canon in their infinite wisdom haven't made the software available online). Was good to get tethered shooting working over the LAN.

    Other than that, no great surprises, although still waiting on things (RRS bracket so I can tripod mount - still around 3 weeks away), and a 128GB CF Card (about a week away).

    Zillion & 1 setup options -- but they've pretty much sunk in now that I've ploughed through them for the 50th time!

    Frames seem less sharp in ACR - I've got a feeling that I might need to use a bit of micro focussing adjustment (got the camera the same time as I got my 70-200 F2.8L IS USM II repaired, so not sure which it is yet) (if any).
    Kind of weird to think you'd get OOF frames in a studio shoot! I'd understand more if they were in ai servo mode. Does it happen with all your lenses? What sort of bracket are you getting? A 128 Gig CF card is huge.

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    Re: On-screen User Guides for 1Dx and 5D3

    Quote Originally Posted by Markvetnz View Post
    Kind of weird to think you'd get OOF frames in a studio shoot! I'd understand more if they were in ai servo mode. Does it happen with all your lenses? What sort of bracket are you getting? A 128 Gig CF card is huge.
    Yeah - although even the old camera would sometimes just plain old "get it wrong" too. I was having a lot of movement with the model swinging her hair (so I didn't count those OOF), but some were OOF and I verified that the focus point was right where it should have been. Just doing microfocus testing now - so will let you know. Hopefully the expanded AF point area will knock that one on the head. In reality Servo mode may have been worth trying, but I doubt it would have been quick enough for the moving hair shots.

    Only used 2 lenses, and can't say one way of the other if it affected my 24-70 too.

    If you like the sound of 128GB cards, just remember that it can take 2 of them! - only a grand each (or $650 each if you buy 10!)

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    Re: On-screen User Guides for 1Dx and 5D3

    Just discovered the first 1Dx firmware bug

    Just discovered too that dear Canon NZ have reassembled my EF70-200mm F2.8L IS USM II incorrectly with the focal length scale at the bottom instead of the top. Not having a good run with that lens series

    Focusing wise, micro adjustment didn't help. Just seems to need slightly more aggressive capture sharpening with the new camera.

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    Re: On-screen User Guides for 1Dx and 5D3

    It can't be...

    I was so set on getting one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Just discovered the first 1Dx firmware bug

    Just discovered too that dear Canon NZ have reassembled my EF70-200mm F2.8L IS USM II incorrectly with the focal length scale at the bottom instead of the top. Not having a good run with that lens series

    Focusing wise, micro adjustment didn't help. Just seems to need slightly more aggressive capture sharpening with the new camera.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bobobird View Post
    It can't be...

    I was so set on getting one.
    It'll be fine - I've already passed it "up the chain" and Canon will probably be looking at it as we speak

    So place your order in confidence

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    Re: On-screen User Guides for 1Dx and 5D3

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Just discovered the first 1Dx firmware bug

    Just discovered too that dear Canon NZ have reassembled my EF70-200mm F2.8L IS USM II incorrectly with the focal length scale at the bottom instead of the top. Not having a good run with that lens series

    Focusing wise, micro adjustment didn't help. Just seems to need slightly more aggressive capture sharpening with the new camera.
    Sorry to hear about the 70 - 200. Mine has never missed a beat. Probably the best lens I have (other than the 400 2.8 )
    I'll let you know how mine focusses. Hopefully it isn't just your camera.
    On another note, I recenly upgraded my computer and screen. My bridge photos now look slightly blurry. Is there any way to display a "full res" image in bridge. The small filmstrip previews look fine, but the enlarged ones look OOF (even though the images are pin sharp in PS itself).

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    Re: On-screen User Guides for 1Dx and 5D3

    Thanks Colin. I certainly will but will wait a bit for more info to come out.

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    Re: On-screen User Guides for 1Dx and 5D3

    Quote Originally Posted by Markvetnz View Post
    Sorry to hear about the 70 - 200. Mine has never missed a beat. Probably the best lens I have (other than the 400 2.8 )
    I'll let you know how mine focusses. Hopefully it isn't just your camera.
    On another note, I recenly upgraded my computer and screen. My bridge photos now look slightly blurry. Is there any way to display a "full res" image in bridge. The small filmstrip previews look fine, but the enlarged ones look OOF (even though the images are pin sharp in PS itself).
    Hi Mark,

    Fingers crossed, Canon will be replacing it. Prefer my EF1200 F5.6 myself ... (j/k)

    I'm still experimenting with the 1Dx AF (in-camera and in PP).

    If your new monitor is a different resolution then you'll probably need to re-generate the cache. There's a button on the toolbar that instructs bridge to generate full resolution previews, and also some preference settings. Have a look, and let me know if you still have a problem. My guess is that you're still generating or caching previews in the wrong resolution and they're being re-sampled for display.

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    Re: On-screen User Guides for 1Dx and 5D3

    Quote Originally Posted by Bobobird View Post
    Thanks Colin. I certainly will but will wait a bit for more info to come out.
    Hi Bobo,

    No harm in waiting (probably big waiting lists for it anyway), but with things this complex, a few initial niggles are normal. It's a bit like having a heart / lung / liver / kidney transplant and then waking up with a mild headache after the operation; not quite "perfect", but pretty darn close.

    I'm not experiencing any serious issues; learning how to shoot and process all over again (sorta / kinda) is a far bigger part than any minor camera niggles (although - yawn - you'll no doubt read all about "Canon's monumental stuff up" with it from some armchair experts) (who are very strong on criticism, and very light on images). Canon aren't stupid, which unfortunately is more than I can say for some of the critics ...

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    Re: On-screen User Guides for 1Dx and 5D3

    The wait is not intentional but a wait in this case may not be all bad. Let all the little things get fixed, maybe even a firmware update etc. It will certainly be in the bag in October.

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