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Thread: First attempt. C&C please

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais - Brazil
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    First attempt. C&C please

    This is a moment shot. My wife singing while getting our nephew ready for a nice bath (perhaps rehearsing for motherhood).
    I've tried some minor adjustments regarding contrast, colour and some croping.

    I'm quite new in photography, and this is my first post here.

    First attempt. C&C please
    Rildes editada cópia por RLanna, no Flickr

    Canon EOS T3 rebel f/5.6, 1/80s, ISO 125, Focal lenght 43mm (Cannon lens 55-200mm f 4.6-5)

  2. #2
    kdoc856's Avatar
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    Re: First attempt. C&C please

    Hi, RLanna

    When you have a moment to complete your profile we can all be a bit friendlier.

    I would not know you are new to photography from this lovely picture. Getting the right exposure with backlighting can be tricky, and you darn near nailed it.

    If your post-processing program allows it, you might try lifting the shdowing from the little man's face, and across your wife's back, neck and head.

    As a new Grandpa, I am trying to be sensitive to how the child might feel about the picture in the future, so I generally will crop above anything that might be construed as embarassing in the future. The vertical portion of the crop would require some decisions: I might be tempted to crop into your wife's neck to the right of her ear- it would re-establish your perspective and remove most of the under-exposed areas on her back., and re-establish the viewers' focus onto the great expressions you captured. I encourage you to experiment with several crop options and pick your favorite.

    Having said that, there's nothing more innocent than a baby, and I would certainly understand if you left it as is except for lifting the exposure areas.

    Here's a quick stab at it. Please say if you'd prefer no one adjust your images and I'll certainly comply henceforth

    First attempt. C&C please

  3. #3

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    Re: First attempt. C&C please

    Thanks, Kevin.

    I was a bit unsure regarding using a fill flash on this one, but I really liked the shadows. I believe all those 'greens' behind made everything inside look a bit darker.

    I liked what you did there. It really popped the texture on my wife's dress.
    As far as cropping goes, I'll just quote what the baby's mother said: "Hummm!!! Beautyfull shot!!! He will hate it in his teens... but it is a nice pic...". I really liked yours, though.

    By all means feel free to edit. Post-processing is still something as hard as rocket science for me. I'm testing some programs... not sure yet.

  4. #4
    kdoc856's Avatar
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    Re: First attempt. C&C please

    You're welcome, Rodrigo

    You'll get a lot of opinions about processing software, and I've fiddled with several. I have come to really appreciate Lightroom 4 for organizing and the majority of my edits, and then Photoshop Elements 10 for layers and pixel work. Lightroom is so simple to use and is so intuitive, that you will be able to use it immediately. Photoshop takes some time and practice, but I consider it essential for what I do. PS Elements will stand you in good stead for a very long time before you'll need a full version of Photoshop.

    There are some great video tutorials available, and I'd be happy to share those sources with you if you go in that direction. I emphasize video, because it just seems to stick bettter, at least until you get really familiar with all the menus and sliders. But learn the photography first and disproportionately. As your photography gets better, the editing shrinks back in importance.

    Best of luck, and welcome. There's a lot of great people and photographers in this forum.


  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: First attempt. C&C please

    You could always superimpose a fig leaf That would take care of any fragile later life sensibilities!

  6. #6

    Re: First attempt. C&C please

    Great picture. I'm afraid I laughed out loud as I have a bad sense of humour. To me it looks as if he is staring at your wife's breasts and thinking "fooooooddddd".

    As for the question of crop or not, I would go with not. The original is a much better picture. Simply teach him that there is nothing wrong with the human body and he wont have a problem.

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