Yes, it was the first time I've tried separating out a subject from a photo. The area you circled was a space between her ear and her head.. Thank you for the input.
Good job Don. This is something I have been working on lately also. I am good with simple shapes but struggle with complex/random edges (using GIMP).
Much better than my first attempts with this. What technique did you use for making the selection? I always find that it's the stray bits of fur that cause the problems. Sometimes for those bits I find it's almost better to go for a smoother line and feather rather than try and capture every sharp edge. As an example - on the left ear at about mouth level. Having said that this is really good for a first attempt.
Thank you all for the comments. HMW, I used PSE10 and the Topaz Remask plugin to help. There it was a bit of small selections with feathering that helped capture her fur.
Don in TX