My first thought is a big old red tailed hawk.
To help us, where did you gat that photo? What country...?
I'm with Steve. I'd say it's a juvenile (first year) red-tailed hawk. The key isn't really the leg markings (although this does match the juvenile red-tail), but the big white patch on the breast, which is a distinctive field mark of the red-tail. Red-tails come in a variety of color morphs, from light to dark, but the eastern ones are mostly light and there are plenty of red-tails in Florida.
I agree with the Red-tail Hawk.
It is recognized with light iris and the "V" on wing coverts.
Thanks to all respondents, I sincerely appreciate your help for indentifying this bird as a Red-tail Hawk. I can now file the image, actually this is the first Red-tail Hawk I have captured in Florida. I shall be looking for it perched as well as in flight.