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Thread: How do I restore to layers?

  1. #1

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    How do I restore to layers?

    Hi, After I've worked on an image I save it as a jpeg and also as a photoshop file. When I go back to it all the layers have been flattened and so I am unable to do further work or restore it to an earlier stage. I am using CS5 and would appreciate any help. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: How do I restore to layers?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dovrob View Post
    Hi, After I've worked on an image I save it as a jpeg and also as a photoshop file. When I go back to it all the layers have been flattened and so I am unable to do further work or restore it to an earlier stage. I am using CS5 and would appreciate any help. Thanks.
    A jpg file has no layers, so that part makes sense. A Photoshop .psd files does preserve layers, so I am at a bit of a loss as to why layers are not being preserved when you save. Are you manually flattening your file before saving as a jpg and then saving as a .psd?

  3. #3
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: How do I restore to layers?

    Hi David, if you save a file in CS5 as a PSD, the layers are retained but a JPG does not have that ability.

    Saving a file as PSD cannot save your change history so what I do is duplicate the layers as I make significant changes and save it that way. If I need an earlier version of my work I just select one of the older layers.

    If the number of layers gets to be large, sometimes I just make PSD copies as I work then flatten the working image and continue. This way I can keep the file size down and still retain the changes in case I need to go back to those earlier versions of the changes.

    Hope this helps!

  4. #4

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    Re: How do I restore to layers?

    David: I have to ask, why are you saving your images as both JPG files and PSD files? I can see saving as JPG which requires your to flatten your file, if you have to sent your images out to a lab to be printed. If posting for the web then in CS5 go to file> save for web which again requires a flatten file, but also adjusts the 240dpi of the JPG file used to print to 72dpi to view on a monitor. I would suggest that your save your images 1st as PSD files as this would allow your to return at a later date to possibility rework the image, then only save as JPG files those, you sent out to print in a separate file labelled "images for print". If for web, then again only those as were saved by "saved for web" in CS5 in their own labelled folder. I was wondering one other thought, forgive me if I am wrong (I looked at some of your other posts to get a feel as to where you are, some nice images I liked I believe it's "watching you,watching me") you maybe under a misunderstanding that images have to be printed as JPG's so you save your files as that, with CS5 used to print from, it does not matter if they are JPG or PSD. Hope to see more of your images in the future.



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    Re: How do I restore to layers?

    Thanks for the replies. What i do is processing my images in Photoshop RAW and then move them over to photoshop CS5 to add maybe a curve layer and a text layer with my details on it. I have then saving them as a jpeg file and uploading them to facebook. The problem starts if I want to lose the text layer for a print or to display on here. Is there an easy way to lose that layer or do I need to proceed nfrom the RAW file?

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: How do I restore to layers?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dovrob View Post
    Thanks for the replies. What i do is processing my images in Photoshop RAW and then move them over to photoshop CS5 to add maybe a curve layer and a text layer with my details on it. I have then saving them as a jpeg file and uploading them to facebook. The problem starts if I want to lose the text layer for a print or to display on here. Is there an easy way to lose that layer or do I need to proceed nfrom the RAW file?
    Okay, your workflow makes sense; you import using ACR and then have it open the files in PS.

    If you add layers, you should not be losing them unless you deliberately remove them by merging layers or by flattening them. If you save as a .psd file all the layer information that you see in the layers palette will be saved.

    If you don't want the text to show up in a print, go to your layers palette and click on the eyeball (the symbol on the very left of the palette) and that will make the layer invisible. If you save the file, the layer will be saved, it just won't be visible. To show it again, click on the blank square beside the appropriate layer and it will become active again, with the eyeball symbol showing.

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    Re: How do I restore to layers?

    ThanksS sorry for being dense, but I've tried saving for web and my usual way as a PSD file. Both ways seem to lose their history when i reopen them and so I can't click any layers as the only layer is the smart file with the picture. Sure I'm doing something simple wrong but I'm at a loss.

  8. #8
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: How do I restore to layers?

    Try saving the PSD with File/SaveAs to your local hard drive. I've never used Saving for Web to preserve my changes but that method may force a conversion that requires that the layers be flattened.

  9. #9
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: How do I restore to layers?

    I agree with Frank. Save the Photoshop file first and then manipulate it to create your jpg (Save As). The save to web does not work for me (it tells me my file is too large), so I manually resize and post.

  10. #10
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: How do I restore to layers?

    but I've tried saving for web and my usual way as a PSD file. Both ways seem to lose their history when i reopen them and so I can't click any layers as the only layer is the smart file with the picture.
    At least in CS6, and I think it was the same in CS5, you can save PSD files with or without preserving layers. Under the file name, there is file format, and under that is "save options." The tick box to save layers is the bottom one on the left. If you don't have that box ticked, Photoshop will flatten the layers. If you have it ticked, it shouldn't flatten it.

  11. #11

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    Re: How do I restore to layers?

    David: I will walk or talk you through it. Once you have opened the image in Raw and have adjusted it to how you want it you can not click "Done" which will save the changes you did however still in RAW format. If you click open file, it will take it to Photoshop CS5, here you can do what ever you want by way of layers and such. Once finished go to File>Save As>(you want it to Format as) Photoshop PSD>Save.
    Now if you want to print with out some text you added then do as Manfred states in Post #6, about the eye ball. If you want to post to facebook and look the text as you state, then do the eye ball thing to the PSD file then go to File> Save for Web, Now this is important once you have saved the file through Save for Web and are about to close the file, and it askes if you if you want to save, SAY NO, if you answer yes than the orginal PSD file will be change to be the same format as the Save for web file, you will lose all those layers and the PSD file.
    Remember all JPG files do not allow layers,



  12. #12

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    Re: How do I restore to layers?

    Dan: you are so correct I forgot all about that option, it has been so long since I checked it off. Nice catch.



  13. #13

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    Re: How do I restore to layers?

    Thanks for the help.Edited some shots todayand have then saved as a PDS file untitled and a jpeg file titled. looking at my save option layers is ticked, though when I open it up in PDS format, I still don't see the history- only the final file. Still its a step forward, thanks.forward.

  14. #14

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    Re: How do I restore to layers?

    David. once saved and closed the history is gone as it it only for the session you work on the image for. Usually the history goes back about 20 adjustments, you can set it shorter and I believe longer. When you open the PSD file are all your layers there?



  15. #15

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    Re: How do I restore to layers?

    Thanks, that make sense with the history, thanks. On the layers side I only see the final layer, not the curves, etc. not so much of a problem now I'm saving everything as a psd file untitled and then the jpeg. Thanks to allk who assisted much appreciated.

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