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Thread: Second post

  1. #1

    Second post

    Here is another set. Second picture (child in swing) is my daughter which was just a candid photo of her swinging. Wife insists this is an award winning photo, she's a mother of course, but I feel that this picture lacks that "thing". Can anyone help me put my finger on it? Comments on both welcomed.

    Second post
    Second post
    Last edited by CircleMGraphics; 17th June 2008 at 10:18 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Second post

    Hi CircleM,

    I'd class both as 'candid's (that's no criticism);
    The horse is obviously inquisitive has has stuck its nose right up to the lens, the perspective distortion effect might work better with a slightly different head angle and/or different colour head and body for horse, as it is, I find the head shape is lost in the flanks. So go change the horse! ;-)

    The shot of your daughter is a treasure, as I'm sure she is too. You might want to hold your finger, or the thumb might be better, over the right hand side of photo to cover the wire and pale roofed building. I think you'll find that just cloning out those two items above the 'fence' will significantly improve the composition by removing the distraction that pulls the eye off to the right, away from the happy face.

    Good luck, Dave

  3. #3

    Re: Second post

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    You might want to hold your finger, or the thumb might be better, over the right hand side of photo to cover the wire and pale roofed building. I think you'll find that just cloning out those two items above the 'fence' will significantly improve the composition by removing the distraction that pulls the eye off to the right, away from the happy face.
    BRILLIANT! You are right, it does make a difference.

  4. #4

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    Re: Second post

    I agree with Rusty about the horse, with respect to the second photo, two other things in addition to his comments about the crop, with which I agree as well, would be to tone down the highlights on her right arm and the right side of her hat, and to do something with the sky; the pose and expression on her face are excellent, but the bland sky doesn't do much for me. If you could 'borrow' a nice bright blue sky with a few fluffy clouds, I think this photo would really pop!

  5. #5

    Re: Second post

    well let me start with the second pic as its better than the first the expression on the babys face is worth a million dollars or even more focus is spot on the catch light in the eyes is fantastic exposure is spot on for me. choice of lens could have blurred the background a bit more. vertical framing could have dominated the subject more. the baby's happy,joyfull,expressions RULES everything else in the pic is secondary.

  6. #6

    Re: Second post

    Thanks again for all the comments. It's all starting to "click".

  7. #7
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Second post

    Shot 1
    I quite like this but agree how the head shape is lost. Was the choice of lens here to deliberately create a fish eye effect of the horse? It reminds me of some advertising shots that are deliberately created this way.

    Shot 2
    I have to agree with your wife, the expression is fabulous.... and I think the improvements mentioned would enhance it, together with having all your daughter's right hand in the shot? (Is this just the crop?)

    No doubt if your daughter can produce such expressions for you regularly, you will have many treasured shots.

    (I speak as a father of twins, where one of them can produce a 'suitable' face nearly every time and the other hates his photo taking! Love them both nevertheless!)

  8. #8

    Re: Second post

    As far as shot 1, yes I intended to have the "fish-eye" perspective as I shot it at 18mm. This was with my first Dig. Rebel about 3 yrs ago. I see what everyone is talking about the "head" and how it blends with the body. This was just a test shot and didn't put any effort into the pose. (Like I can get my horses to pose anyways).

    I am currently working on the improvements everyone has suggested. I have cloned the building and powerline out. Currently working on improving the sky.

    If anyone has an input on helping with the highlights in the arm and the hat, I would be glad to hear it. I'm using Lightroom and Photoshop CS3.

  9. #9

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    Re: Second post

    Quote Originally Posted by CircleMGraphics View Post
    If anyone has an input on helping with the highlights in the arm and the hat, I would be glad to hear it. I'm using Lightroom and Photoshop CS3.
    If you're working with a RAW file, I'd start with lightroom and drop down the highlights slider a little bit. I don't think either of them are blown (though the hat might be). Once that's done, bring it into CS3 and create adjustment layers for those two areas and reduce the brightness on them.

    You have to do this carefully and judiciously as even slightly too much will have a fake, processed look to it.

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