Hi All! First time post :-)
I recently acquired a Sigma 170-500mm lens from EBay. This has two filters attached; the first is a Visico 86mm CPL, and the second is a Kood 86mm Skylight. This is my first super zoom lens, so I've a couple of queries....
The first is this, do I need both filters attached? I've looked on the net, and all I can see is people for and against them. I've already done some test shots, and they're coming out a little dark.... It is a little cloudly where I live at the moment.
Whilst I can un-screw the Kood, being as the lens cap clips on that, I can't remove the Visico at all; it just goes round and around. There does appear to be something else betweent the Visico and the body of the lens, a 3 or 4 mm groved ring. I don't want to put too much pressure trying to remove the Visico, but want to remove it to compare test shots with no filters attached. Second question then, how to I get the Visico off???? Or is it wise to visit my local camera specialist?
Thanks in advance.