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Thread: Abstract water fountain shot

  1. #1

    Abstract water fountain shot


    Here is an abstract shot that I recently took of a water fountain in my hometown. My goal with this shot was to accentuate the shapes in the water fountain design but not too much or too little. I also liked the patch of green foliage on the left side. Do you have any recommendations composition wise? Would you like to see more of the railing in the front?

    Thank you,

    - Jacob

    Abstract water fountain shot

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Abstract water fountain shot

    Still nobody willing to reply.

    Well, Jacob, here are my thoughts.

    Yes I like the idea of railings and greenery; but I would prefer the railings to be vertical.

    If you hadn't told me it was a fountain I wouldn't have had any idea what it was. Sometimes, mystery shots do work but in this case I think we need to see more to put everything into context.

    Originally, I thought there was a white flowered shrub behind the railings.

    I think there is potential with this scene but at the moment I just find it confusing. Possibly move back quite a bit to show more of the railings and, if possible, a bit of the fountain or more of the water.

    But let's hear some more opinions.

  3. #3
    Andrew76's Avatar
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    Re: Abstract water fountain shot

    I'd agree with Geoff on most of his comments, except the tilted perspective. I like this type of angle. There are 3 main subjects here, none of which gets enough attention to be the main subject, nor little enough to be background. So all in all, just a little to busy, with no real focal point for me.

  4. #4

    Re: Abstract water fountain shot


    Thank you for sharing your thoughts . I can see how it may seem mysterious and why there should be more context. I definately don't want it to be confusing! That is something that I will consider when I re-shoot it. I will also explore a more vertical perspective.

    Thank you,

    - Jacob

  5. #5

    Re: Abstract water fountain shot


    Thank you for your feedback! When I re-shoot it I will try to aim for a composition that is less busy and more focused.

    Thank you,

    - Jacob

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