Yesterday I've got hold of a i1Profiler and I thought I'll try to get a correct profile for my monitor.
After the job was done, I tried to see what would be the difference between what I see on a non profiled monotor and the newly profiled one.
I was surprised to see such a difference - have a look for yourself:
There is a saying: "When you have only one clock, you always know what the time is. When you have two, you never know."
You can see why this saying applies to my case.
I have always seen the picture as the monitor on the right shows it (the not-profiled one) and not only on this monitor. I have seen it the same on my camera's LCD screen, on my home monitor, on my Android tablet and on my IPad. On all these devices, the picture looked like the one on the right.
Now, the left monitor (profiled) shows the colours more vibrant, a lot less brightness, more contrast and the colours are changed.
Now, I don't know which version is the "true one" - that's why I said I am confused.
- is my picture "really looking" like on the left side and because of default profiles I see it washed out?
- is my picture looking like the left side and the new colour profile is not "true"?
Because on so many devices it looked like on the right - I tend to believe the 2nd version is right (right side = correct).
I don't know - I hope somebody can help me with this.