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Thread: Taking the Plunge

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Taking the Plunge


    I recently received a message from CiC telling me that I have not posted on the forum for several weeks.

    Well that’s true; in fact I haven’t posted at all except when I first joined up. I have had some bad experiences with forums in the past and have developed a strong case of forum phobia.

    However all the posts on this site seem really friendly and helpful (which is why I joined up in the first place) so I have taken the plunge and posted this to re-introduce myself. So hello everybody!

    The next thing to do is post some images but first I will have to take some that are up to the high standard of those shown by all the members of CiC!


  2. #2
    JPS's Avatar
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    Re: Taking the Plunge

    Quote Originally Posted by Johnalan View Post

    I recently received a message from CiC telling me that I have not posted on the forum for several weeks.

    Well that’s true; in fact I haven’t posted at all except when I first joined up. I have had some bad experiences with forums in the past and have developed a strong case of forum phobia.

    However all the posts on this site seem really friendly and helpful (which is why I joined up in the first place) so I have taken the plunge and posted this to re-introduce myself. So hello everybody!

    The next thing to do is post some images but first I will have to take some that are up to the high standard of those shown by all the members of CiC!

    Hi John,
    welcome back.
    I'm supprised you received an email, I didn't know our Mods did that. Well if they did or didn't it's nice to have you back and I for one am looking forward to seeing your pictures.
    Post soon while the irons hot, I'm sure you won't regret it.

  3. #3
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Taking the Plunge

    Quote Originally Posted by Johnalan View Post
    The next thing to do is post some images but first I will have to take some that are up to the high standard of those shown by all the members of CiC!
    John don't be concerned about whatever level you are at. We are all at different levels from beginner to professional so you can get helpful feedback regardless of your level and the area you want to improve. So feel free to post away and let us know what aspect of your image you are trying to improve.

    We're here to help and although my knowledge is quite limited, there are so many others with experience is pretty much every aspect of photography that you'll get the right assistance from the folks with the right skill and knowledge for whatever you need.

  4. #4
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Taking the Plunge


    If there's one thing I hope you find out about CiC, it's the fact that everyone on here remembers that they were once at the stage of development that you are now at. They weren't born highly competent photographers. They had to learn it, just as you are doing now.

    I've heard of people having bad experiences on some forums. Thankfully, that has been very, very rare on here and as soon as we Mods see it or are told about it, the offender is very quickly contacted and, in only one or two cases, their account has been closed.

    So, please do not feel you have to hold back in terms of posting. There is no such thing as a dumb question on CiC.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Taking the Plunge

    Hi John,

    Glad the e-mail brought you back, as you will be in a few weeks time, I'm sure.

    I can still remember how I felt when I posted a picture on a couple of other forums and never received a single reply, and that was bad enough, let alone receiving anything 'less helpful' as it seems you did. I can confirm that CiC is not like that, so please do 'take the plunge', the water here is lovely.


  6. #6
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    Re: Taking the Plunge


    Thank you all for your encouraging comments.
    I will definitely start to upload some images once I have learned how to do it properly. I am studying the instructions now and have already found out that I have been going about things the wrong way! I have been using the File > Save For Web function in Photoshop, something you strongly recommend not using, so before I upload I will have to save some images using your recommendations.

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