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Thread: Hi from Canada

  1. #1
    Rebellion's Avatar
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    Hi from Canada

    Hello I am Tony from Montreal, Canada I am a trainer in health and safety at work, I've lived all my life in Canada. travel from one end to the other side of this beautiful country, I love traveling in Europe (Portugal Spain-France).My experience with photography is mainly amateur I do a lot of black and white, I love the drama it brings. I'm a french canadian so my english writing is not to good but my reading and understanding is much better, thank 's for your patience...

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Hi from Canada

    Tony - A very warm welcome and thank you for joining CiC.

    I hope you enjoy being part of the forum.

    My own particular interest is B & W so I especially look forward to seeing some of your images on the forum.

    I hope, too, that what you find are lots of people who enjoy sharing knowledge and experience and who believe that the most important aspect of the site is to encourage others in their learning, but also to continue their own development.

  3. #3
    JPS's Avatar
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    Re: Hi from Canada

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebellion View Post
    Hello I am Tony from Montreal, Canada I am a trainer in health and safety at work, I've lived all my life in Canada. travel from one end to the other side of this beautiful country, I love traveling in Europe (Portugal Spain-France).My experience with photography is mainly amateur I do a lot of black and white, I love the drama it brings. I'm a french canadian so my english writing is not to good but my reading and understanding is much better, thank 's for your patience...
    Hi Tony,
    Welcome to CiC.
    This is a great site and a great place to learn, I'm sure you will enjoy being a member.

    There are some great B&W photographers here who will enjoy seeing your work and I'm sure you will enjoy viewing theirs. Donald one the sites Mods; I’m sure will greet you soon and is a very accomplished photographer who specialises in B&W, he will certainly be a great help to you, along with many other fine photographers on this site.

    Once again it’s great to have you with us.

  4. #4
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: Hi from Canada

    Tony, welcome! I joined CiC a few months ago and have found it a very helpful and friendly site. And to my surprise I've come across two other CiC members who live here in the same city as me.

  5. #5
    Rebellion's Avatar
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    Re: Hi from Canada

    Thank you very much, I find this site really complete in a photographic point of view, a lot of information, and I'm looking at the mini chalenge really it look's very good...

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