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8th August 2012, 03:19 AM
hung out to dry....
Hi all, i was bored, and while i was outside having a smoko(yes it is bad for me) i thought i might take some snaps of the clothes line since i like the light that was bouncing on to it. And here is what i came up with....
_MG_2789 by AllenLennon, on Flickr
_MG_2767 by AllenLennon, on Flickr
_MG_2755 by AllenLennon, on Flickr
What do you nice people think??
8th August 2012, 08:27 AM
Re: hung out to dry....
my favourite is probably the third one. All have a nice tonality although I think perhaps the highlights could be lifted just a tad for a little more 'pop'. I confess that the first one doesn't really ... rock my world as I'm struggling to understand it. Lovely light and texture on the second one and again a little lift on the mid and high tones would I think make this 'pop'. The third one, really interesting, really nice textures and composition and just a little lift on midtones and hightones I think would emphasise this making them crisper. I see a nice print from this one.
8th August 2012, 08:31 AM
Re: hung out to dry....
For me, the second one is the pick of the set.
In the first one, I think the problem is that we don't see enough to tell us what we're looking at, so we're trying to figure that out rather than appreciate the image.
In the thirds one, I wouldn't know it was a washing line, but that's okay. There is the identifiable, embossed 'Oil' that gives our eyes something to fix on to. I think that one works well.
In the second one, the light on that broken old clothes peg, makes it. Pity about the shadow falling across it. If you'd moved the peg to the other side of the arm of the structure, you would have had it in in full sun and the impact might have been even greater.
8th August 2012, 01:12 PM
Re: hung out to dry....
thank you bambleweeney and donald for your far too kind words.I must admit the third one is my favourite and the second one is a close second, and i will try the second one again with the arm in the same position but the peg on the opposite side, ill be doing it again tomorrow at the same time if the sun is out again and the peg dont break when i move it.
8th August 2012, 01:40 PM
Re: hung out to dry....
The commentary is so great that I won't try to add to it other than mentioning that the third one is my favorite. That may be because I instantly saw the shape of a cello in the image and find it humorous to think that you would ever have to add oil to a cello.
Rather than risk breaking the clothesline peg, consider using controlled light to light it as you want.
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