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Thread: Hello from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Blue Ridge Mts of Va
    Real Name

    Hello from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia

    Hello All,

    My name is Georgepat, and have been involved with photography for as long as I can remember. First camera was a Brownie Hawkeye, then into SLR's, and now digital.

    I have an extensive background in Photoshop, having been working with it since version 4 in the 90's, and now use CS5. I have done photo restoration, graphic design, book cover design using photo manipulation, and now have a small home business of greeting cards, thank you notes, and printed photos of my Macro work.

    I am most comfortable shooting nature, but in the last couple of years, have specialized in shooting Macros of Insects, Butterflies, and Spiders. Basicially, anything small that will pose for a moment is fair game for my lens.

    I'm excited about becoming a member here to have the chance to learn more about this wonderful world of photography.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Windsor, Berks, UK
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    Dave Humphries :)

    Re: Hello from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia

    Hi Georgepat,

    Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you with us.

    With a history like that, I'm sure you can help as well as learn here

    I see you're at 4 posts already, so look forward to meeting you in the forums and seeing some of your pictures in due course.

    All the best,

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