Just a thought; the modern lamps spoil it for me, if they were cloned out, it could be a rather more 'timeless' image.
Actually, having said that, the bridge sides are quite a modern styling, although it's not so obvious.
Nice clouds!
Like the lines, works well as a silhouette for me, think the person makes the shot for me.
Just being awkward for a moment. Am I correct in thinking the signal is set for stop? It is a long time since I have been near a railway.
Agree that the clouds with that darker area in the top right corner balances the picture perfectly.
Do me a favour; please don't seek employment driving trains in my area
Can you guess the answer to your question?
Easy for me, having been an enthusiast since a boy (a long time ago)
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 20th August 2009 at 08:42 PM.