Joe, these are both great but I think the second one is fantastic. The pose, the composition... I love it! I'd love to say something more constructive, but I really can't come up with anything.
Unless there is a specific reason for having a square image I may consider cropping to 4 x 5 ratio particularly with the first one which I would crop slightly on the right side.
The bird is looking to the left but that side is the narrowest margin.
Focus and exposure are perfect.
Thanks Geoff, I appreciate another set of eyes looking at the image and suggesting positive edits. I tried the 4x5 ratio you suggested and also 4x3. I thought both of those left too much negative space beyond the direction the bird was looking. So I settled on 1x1 crop but off centered the bird more or less along the 1/3 division line. Thanks for taking the time to look and comment. Below are the most recent edits.
Wow these are superb shots and the edits work well too.
Definitely prefer the crops Joe
Excellent as ususal.
Beautiful captures. Great feather detail and coloring. I prefer the crops also.