Hello Sai
Once again Dave has seen through the trick He is correct of course. The image was a very dull image of 3 zebra. I desaturated, inverted colours (or greys in this case). I used levels and curves to bring the image back and burned the very bright areas. To get grain I use HSV noise facility in GIMP and of course the obligatory unsharp mask.I really love your first image, the contrast is just eye-catching. I like the leading lines in the grass that kinda leads the viewer to the beautiful contrast on the zebras. I'd definitely be interested in knowing how you managed to get the grainy appearance to the grass in the foreground. Did you use Photoshop to get that effect?
I agree with your comment about the canoes they certainly need off setting. Now to your image.......this picture is awesome. Seriously I love the composition and you have captured the atmosphere of the scene. The only thing I can say and this is a personal preference I probably would have burned the clouds a little, particularly on the underside.
Yes sunny Weymouth. I love it. It is the typical English seaside resort capturing that very English eccentricity. B/W needs contrasts and textures both of which are more prevalent in bad weather. Unfortunately ion that day the sky was very bland.Thanks, Steve. Your shot looks like Weymouth. Is it?
Dave you are spot on. I have explained by converion in my reply to Sai above.I've just twigged, the zebra shot is an inversion
(I think, or I'm gonna look silly saying that)
It works for me.