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Thread: Post your B&W shots here

  1. #21

    Re: Post your B&W shots here

    Hello Sai

    I really love your first image, the contrast is just eye-catching. I like the leading lines in the grass that kinda leads the viewer to the beautiful contrast on the zebras. I'd definitely be interested in knowing how you managed to get the grainy appearance to the grass in the foreground. Did you use Photoshop to get that effect?
    Once again Dave has seen through the trick He is correct of course. The image was a very dull image of 3 zebra. I desaturated, inverted colours (or greys in this case). I used levels and curves to bring the image back and burned the very bright areas. To get grain I use HSV noise facility in GIMP and of course the obligatory unsharp mask.

    I agree with your comment about the canoes they certainly need off setting. Now to your image.......this picture is awesome. Seriously I love the composition and you have captured the atmosphere of the scene. The only thing I can say and this is a personal preference I probably would have burned the clouds a little, particularly on the underside.

    Thanks, Steve. Your shot looks like Weymouth. Is it?
    Yes sunny Weymouth. I love it. It is the typical English seaside resort capturing that very English eccentricity. B/W needs contrasts and textures both of which are more prevalent in bad weather. Unfortunately ion that day the sky was very bland.

    I've just twigged, the zebra shot is an inversion
    (I think, or I'm gonna look silly saying that)
    It works for me.
    Dave you are spot on. I have explained by converion in my reply to Sai above.


  2. #22

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    Re: Post your B&W shots here

    Walking on the Moon

    Post your B&W shots here

  3. #23

    Re: Post your B&W shots here

    Old Kneb at heart...

    Post your B&W shots here

    Post your B&W shots here

    Post your B&W shots here

  4. #24
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Post your B&W shots here

    Quote Originally Posted by joec View Post
    Antonio, I love all three of these shots. The first is so "atmospheric", the second has such dynamic range (was it based on multiple exposures or multiple raw processing?), and the third is just phenomenal in evoking emotion. Keep up the good work.
    Joe, the first image is from a balloon I was flying in. It was very early morning and there was some mist.
    The second shot was made converting in LR and decreasing the exposure quite a bit, while working in only one photo.
    On the third shot I was sorry I didn't crop the arm of the boy ...
    Thank you for the comments and have a nice travel to Atlanta.
    I hope you will find your family with Health.

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    Post your b&w shots in this thread for discussion...Please say a bit about how you created/converted the shot. Post as many as you like, but one shot per post please. May I suggest that we don't do edits as it will get rather confusing...
    Carregwen I must apologize for posting 3 images in one post saying nothing about them. I am sorry.
    You know, I didn't even read the guide lines ... I did it now and that is why I am apologizing. I will be more careful next time.
    (I am not alone...)
    Would you like me to separate the images in 3 posts?
    Last edited by Antonio Correia; 21st August 2009 at 08:38 PM.

  5. #25

    Re: Post your B&W shots here

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    Old Kneb at heart...

    Post your B&W shots here

    This is superb. Lovely textures - it's almost as if you could reach out and touch it. Well done.

  6. #26

    Re: Post your B&W shots here

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    Carregwen I must apologize for posting 3 images in one post saying nothing about them. I am sorry.
    You know, I didn't even read the guide lines ... I did it now and that is why I am apologizing. I will be more careful next time.
    (I am not alone...)
    Would you like me to separate the images in 3 posts?
    No problem - no need to separate. I like the shots posted, especially the second one (dog and toddler). Great tonal range and superb lighting really makes it.

  7. #27

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Post your B&W shots here

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post

    This is very good. Great structure. And I love the way the hills change in tone as they recede.
    Thanks for that

    It's titled "Rotoroa and the Rain" with Rotoroa being the name of the lake. It was pouring down with rain that day and it ended up being a bit of a natural "fade to grey" filter. I was standing in about 2 feet of water (with waders) - camera - tripod - umbrella (about 2 feet upwind of the lens!) - and even small waves sloshing off rocks behind me. "Fun" shoot.

    It required a lot of processing - I still like the composition, but in reality it didn't look good on my usual 44 x 22" canvas print; the water reflected the colour of the sky and it ended up with too much grey ... surprisingly though, although it's probably my least favourite shot, I have sold two all the same!

  8. #28
    Doughboy's Avatar
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    Re: Post your B&W shots here

    My foster brother was graduating from Elementary School, his school is rather old, so the auditorium still had the old style seats in the balcony, so i couldn't resist

    Post your B&W shots here

    This is also from the same school the same day. this is the courtyard. When I began some PP of it, I found this effect which in my mind makes it look like a street or alley in a very poverty stricken area, possibly even a war torn area.

    Post your B&W shots here

    Both were taken in BW, and not converted. That is how I pictured these in my head before hand.

  9. #29

    Re: Post your B&W shots here

    This one is called 'persecution by the pin people'. Five pins of the same type (representing the clique) surround a solitary (and different) pin. How hard it is to fit in to the rest of the world!

    f/4.5. ISO100, 1/100s. Shot on white mount-board. Natural light. At least it's tack sharp.

    persecution by the pin people

    Post your B&W shots here

  10. #30

    Re: Post your B&W shots here

    Quote Originally Posted by Doughboy View Post
    This is also from the same school the same day. this is the courtyard. When I began some PP of it, I found this effect which in my mind makes it look like a street or alley in a very poverty stricken area, possibly even a war torn area.
    Love the second shot. Looks very surreal. Nice one.

  11. #31
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    Re: Post your B&W shots here

    I love your Pin shot. very sharp and crisp detail, and yet so simple as well. I like how photo ops don;t have to be complicated to be good.


  12. #32
    pixel pete's Avatar
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    Re: Post your B&W shots here

    Post your B&W shots here
    Sorry everyone this is old. Kodak Tri-x Buffalo, New York. Grain Silos at midday.

  13. #33
    Sai C's Avatar
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    Re: Post your B&W shots here

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    This one is called 'persecution by the pin people'. Five pins of the same type (representing the clique) surround a solitary (and different) pin. How hard it is to fit in to the rest of the world!

    f/4.5. ISO100, 1/100s. Shot on white mount-board. Natural light. At least it's tack sharp.

    persecution by the pin people

    That is a very simple composition, yet an extremely powerful image! I love the detail in the image and the bokeh. There can be so many interpretations to this image and your succinct description has captured the essence beautifully. Great work!


    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 22nd August 2009 at 08:03 AM.

  14. #34
    Sai C's Avatar
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    Re: Post your B&W shots here

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinbythebeach View Post
    Walking on the Moon

    You have lived up to your name I truly love the texture of the beach the way you have captured it. I think the presence of the woman in the picture truly captures the essence of your title for the image ...

    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 22nd August 2009 at 08:04 AM.

  15. #35
    Sai C's Avatar
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    Re: Post your B&W shots here

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    I've seen this shot before somewhere ...

    Post your B&W shots here
    Me too Colin ..You just amaze me with the way you compose your images. I looked at some of your images in your PBase galleries and every one of them uses the most powerful element of graphic design, the diagonal line, to telling effect. These comments go for all 3 images that you have posted.

    Great work Colin!


  16. #36
    Sai C's Avatar
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    Re: Post your B&W shots here

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post

    Now to your image.......this picture is awesome. Seriously I love the composition and you have captured the atmosphere of the scene. The only thing I can say and this is a personal preference I probably would have burned the clouds a little, particularly on the underside.

    Hi Steve,

    Thank you for your feedback. The only task I can accomplish in Photoshop is to use the spot highlight tool to remove the crud that's gotten stuck to my camera sensor ..I have this nasty habit of changing lens in the field quite often as I am still learning all this stuff, so I end up with a lot of grime on my camera sensor, but I digress....

    I need to learn how to use the dodge and burn tool in Photoshop to make this a little more appealing like you have mentioned. Hopefully i'll get around to that point one of these days. Thanks again for your feedback, greatly appreciate it!

    Last edited by Colin Southern; 22nd August 2009 at 07:39 AM.

  17. #37

    Re: Post your B&W shots here

    Keeping to my earlier they are not mine
    (I have posted the colour version as a separate thread)

    Post your B&W shots here

  18. #38
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Post your B&W shots here

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    Keeping to my earlier they are not mine
    (I have posted the colour version as a separate thread)...
    You sure know how to do this in perfection !
    Very very nice.

    Post your B&W shots here

    This picture was shot under poor light with hight ISO.
    These people were standing in front o us waiting to be photographed while we were looking at their goods.
    The colored version is a poor one
    In fact, this was shot 3 years ago. I shoot better these days.

  19. #39
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Post your B&W shots here

    At yesterday's (22nd August) Agricultural Show back home where I grew up near Fort William in Scotland.

    Post your B&W shots here
    40D, 17-85 IS USM Kit @85, 500th @ f5.6, ISO 100. Lith/Sepia Tone on a Multiply Layer at 38%

  20. #40

    Re: Post your B&W shots here

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    At yesterday's (22nd August) Agricultural Show back home where I grew up near Fort William in Scotland.

    40D, 17-85 IS USM Kit @85, 500th @ f5.6, ISO 100. Lith/Sepia Tone on a Multiply Layer at 38%
    Very nicely captured and converted, Donald. There is a good dialogue in the shot.

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