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Thread: McKenzie Portrait

  1. #1
    TheArcane's Avatar
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    McKenzie Portrait

    I decided to try a low light shot of my dog, Mckenzie. I wanted a pretty good amount of shadow to make it kind of moody. Being a highly energetic dog who won't relax in these situations, he has an amusingly intense look in his eyes because he's just waiting for me to release him. Any critiques would be welcome.

    McKenzie Portrait

    Canon Rebel EOS 450D
    Ultrasonic 28-105mm at 92mm
    ISO 400 - f/5.6 - 1/3

  2. #2
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: McKenzie Portrait

    You have nailed the intense Border Collie look! IMO, the image could use a bit more constrast and sharpening...

    Are those shadows over the dog's eyes or is that the coloring of its coat?

  3. #3

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    Re: McKenzie Portrait

    he looks very snuggly. I like how each iris is a different size because of the difference in lighting. I don't know if that is a good think photographically tho. The white dot (I can't remember the name for it) in each eye is at a different spot--that is a little strange looking to me. I do think he coat looks very nicely lit. It almost has a powder puff sheen to it. I feel like I could reach into the screen and stroke him. Scratch his ears for me, or throw the ball, which ever he would prefer, ok?


  4. #4
    TheArcane's Avatar
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    Re: McKenzie Portrait

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    You have nailed the intense Border Collie look! IMO, the image could use a bit more constrast and sharpening...

    Are those shadows over the dog's eyes or is that the coloring of its coat?
    I kept going back and forth on where I wanted the contrast. I did have it higher, but part of the problem I was having was that it was making him look a little creepy when paired with the already dark look of the photo. Not to say you aren't right though, but that was my reasoning for how I have it now .

    Those are his markings. Merle coloration can be a bit random.

  5. #5
    Trina's Avatar
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    Re: McKenzie Portrait

    Love the intense look, I also really like the softness of his coat.. very pretty dog! I think perhaps having him look slightly more toward the light would make the iris's more even. I wonder if just a little bit less shadow on his face wouldn't be a bit better to see more of his lovely face.

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: McKenzie Portrait

    ... and there was me thinking that Donald had shot a self portrait
    ... or perhaps his partner

    OK, I didn't ckeck the spelling too well

    Hi Joshua,

    Only with the benefit of seeing this here; can I say that a little more reflected light from camera right would have been beneficial to give modelling to the jaw line that side.

    It is good try new things, I don't anywhere near enough.

    Well done,

  7. #7
    TheArcane's Avatar
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    Re: McKenzie Portrait

    I should also point out that I was experimenting with different light sources, and for this actually positioned my light tracing table to my left about at eye level with McKenzie.

  8. #8
    travis4567's Avatar
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    Re: McKenzie Portrait

    Love it..what a great dog!!

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