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Thread: Hdr help with Canon Rebel T1i

  1. #1
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    Hdr help with Canon Rebel T1i

    I've had the Canon Rebel T1i for a week or maybe a little more and I've been really anxious to see how hdr would look like with it.
    I have been using the Rebel xt before for hdr before I upgraded and Have been pleased with the results.
    I have photmatix 3.2 (latest version) and I use raw quality on the rebel.
    Now today tried the hdr at 3 different exposures and uploaded it to photomatix and the quality was very terrible and extremely noisy.
    My ISO was at 200 and lighting was very sunsetish.
    I've taken hdr pictures of sunsets before but they have never looked like this, is there anything I am doing wrong? any pointers or is there any other programs I should be using instead of photomatix?
    I am not a full pro at hdr but sorta have a good understanding on how to process hdr pictures.

    Help Please!

  2. #2

    Re: Hdr help with Canon Rebel T1i

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinr View Post
    I've had the Canon Rebel T1i for a week or maybe a little more and I've been really anxious to see how hdr would look like with it.
    I have been using the Rebel xt before for hdr before I upgraded and Have been pleased with the results.
    I have photmatix 3.2 (latest version) and I use raw quality on the rebel.
    Now today tried the hdr at 3 different exposures and uploaded it to photomatix and the quality was very terrible and extremely noisy.
    My ISO was at 200 and lighting was very sunsetish.
    I've taken hdr pictures of sunsets before but they have never looked like this, is there anything I am doing wrong? any pointers or is there any other programs I should be using instead of photomatix?
    I am not a full pro at hdr but sorta have a good understanding on how to process hdr pictures.

    Help Please!
    The camera should not normally make much difference to HDR processing.... but.... your old camera was 10mp which had a pixel density of 3mp cm2. Your new camera (we call it the 500D over here) is 15mp with a density of 4.5mp cm2. The sensors are the same size, so the pixels are smaller, which means they are less efficient at gathering light, which means more noise. The new processor in the camera and its in-camera software will mitigate some of that difference - but who knows? I have a 50D which is same sensor size and pixel rate, and I would say it's border-line when it comes to noise. Now, the 5D, which I also own, is a different story.

    Can you post one of the shots? If you still have the old camera take the same shot with the same lens, on a tripod and compare the RAW output to see if there is any discernible difference.

  3. #3
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    Re: Hdr help with Canon Rebel T1i

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    The camera should not normally make much difference to HDR processing.... but.... your old camera was 10mp which had a pixel density of 3mp cm2. Your new camera (we call it the 500D over here) is 15mp with a density of 4.5mp cm2. The sensors are the same size, so the pixels are smaller, which means they are less efficient at gathering light, which means more noise. The new processor in the camera and its in-camera software will mitigate some of that difference - but who knows? I have a 50D which is same sensor size and pixel rate, and I would say it's border-line when it comes to noise. Now, the 5D, which I also own, is a different story.

    Can you post one of the shots? If you still have the old camera take the same shot with the same lens, on a tripod and compare the RAW output to see if there is any discernible difference.
    Yes I still have my old camera, but should I do an HDR photo or just a regular one with no touch ups?

  4. #4

    Re: Hdr help with Canon Rebel T1i

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinr View Post
    Yes I still have my old camera, but should I do an HDR photo or just a regular one with no touch ups?
    Choose a still scene with nothing moving. Put both cameras in turn on the tripod and use the same lens at the same focal length. Take the same RAW shot. Download them and process both in Photomatix as usual. Don't do any other changes in Photoshop. Compare the two at 100% or higher on your monitor. Try printing them at A4 if you have a printer.

    You may not notice much difference with straight JPEG shots - it could be that the extra pixel density is causing a problem with HDR only. Try the same exercise with JPEGS shot in both cameras and compare those as well.

  5. #5
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    Re: Hdr help with Canon Rebel T1i

    It's not so much I am expecting a quality change but I mean the actual image itself looks extremely terrible even with my normal custom editing options. The editing options I usually have set up are pretty much universal but when I imported images in raw from the 500D they looks worse than the rebel xt.

  6. #6

    Re: Hdr help with Canon Rebel T1i

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinr View Post
    It's not so much I am expecting a quality change but I mean the actual image itself looks extremely terrible even with my normal custom editing options. The editing options I usually have set up are pretty much universal but when I imported images in raw from the 500D they looks worse than the rebel xt.
    I find this quite interesting. If you want, you could post me a couple of RAW files, one from your old camera and another from the 500D (doesn't have to be the same shot, but it would help). I can run them through Dynamic Photo HDR, which is what I use.

    Load them to here You will need to register, but it's free. Either PM the links so I can download the files, or put them in the post here in the thread (others will be able to download them also, which you may not want)


  7. #7
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    Re: Hdr help with Canon Rebel T1i

    okay will do, just give me a couple of hours or so because of the different time periods were in.

  8. #8
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    Re: Hdr help with Canon Rebel T1i

    Okay, here Are some pictures to help you see what I am talking about.

    Hdr help with Canon Rebel T1i

    Hdr help with Canon Rebel T1i

    Hdr help with Canon Rebel T1i

    now here are the hdr images.

    That is from the 500D

    That is from the 350D

    I have processed hdr images like this (below) from the 350D.
    So basically What I want to know is, how would I be able to achieve something like the image below with the 500D? is it just settings? or the software? or anything else?

    Hdr help with Canon Rebel T1i
    (most recent Hdr picture done with 350D and photomatix 3.1 before upgrading to the 500D)
    Last edited by kevinr; 25th August 2009 at 10:09 AM.

  9. #9

    Re: Hdr help with Canon Rebel T1i


    Not quite sure what you are doing in those latest screen-grabs. Can you send the two RAW files (from the 350D and the 500D) via the uploading link in post#6? I will put them through Dynamic HDR package and have a look at the noise.

  10. #10
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    Re: Hdr help with Canon Rebel T1i

    of the Hdr files?

  11. #11

    Re: Hdr help with Canon Rebel T1i

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinr View Post
    of the Hdr files?

    No, the original RAW files that you shot from both cameras.

  12. #12
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    Re: Hdr help with Canon Rebel T1i

    Oh, unfortunately I erased them but I will take new ones in a couple of minutes and upload them to the website you suggested.

  13. #13
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    Re: Hdr help with Canon Rebel T1i

    Any resolve to this situation? I have seem this type of noise in a few HDR's that i have processed but it was not a constant problem, only in select scenes or pictures. Not sure what it equated too. Was just wondering if you two came to a conclusion. Thanks!

  14. #14
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    Re: Hdr help with Canon Rebel T1i

    just recieved the rebel t1i im new at digital use any hints on how to familirize myself with this camera

  15. #15
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Hdr help with Canon Rebel T1i

    Quote Originally Posted by salsa View Post
    just recieved the rebel t1i im new at digital use any hints on how to familirize myself with this camera
    Hi Salsa,

    Firstly, welcome to the CiC forums great to have you join us.
    May I ask your first name?

    Lucky you congratulations.

    The simple answer is: use it, a lot. (I probably didn't need to say that did I?)

    However, it would be helpful for us to know a little more background so we know what level to aim the advice at:

    a) You say you are "new to digital", does that mean you have never taken pictures with say, a mobile phone, or a point and shoot camera?

    b) Have you any experience with say, 35mm film photography?

    c) What sort of photography are you most interested in to start with; wildlife, family, landscape?

    d) What lens, or lenses, were you given?

    That's enough questions from me for now.

    Best regards,

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