In case you don't know...
I currently use Photoshop Elements as my PP workhorse, and look with naked envy upon the users of CS6, LightRoom and After Effects and so on.
The upfront cost of this software is just prohibitive for me.
However I'm looking at this new venture by Adobe quite favourably - for a month-by-month subscription I can get access to the FULL creative suite of Adobe programmes always updated - and I can stop and start as often as I like.
For someone like me who does these fairly intense but ad-hoc projects, that sounds ideal! I can get the software when I need it for as long as I need it.
I'm interested in people's thoughts about this. Since I've not yet departed from any cash. What do you think? Does this sound like a good idea? Is it something you would use? Would you have used it if you hadn't forked out the cash already to purchase the software (at whichever release version) and have you resisted paying for the upgrades to the latest version?