Wow, can you crop close to show the bees on the center? One of them blends in and is hard to see on the full image. It also looks like that part of the picture is most in focus. I love the angle the 3 bees make-a obtuse? triangle in contrast to the round flower. (I'm weird that way) Thanks for posting!
Impressive closeup in the 2nd.
Regarding the first I would remove the entire left side starting from the left edge of the inner circle. The brightness in that section is distracting and taking attention away from the main subject(s) which are all on the right. If you still have space below crop is so that the top and bottom are about equal amounts of yellow. Nonetheless, still is a very fine image as is.
Jeff, the first image is very bright and that, together with the central part that doesn't come into the depth of field, is a bit of a strain on the eyes. For me, the second (close-up) image crop is much better, but how about including all three bees (for Gretchen!) and increasing the contrast and sharpness a bit. E.g.: (PM if you prefer me to delete this)