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Thread: Sunset - River Ure

  1. #1

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    Sunset - River Ure

    Shot from our campsite in Boroughbridge, Yorkshire.

    Sunset - River Ure

  2. #2

    Re: Sunset - River Ure

    Nice setting and good colours. I think I would have asked the lady(?) in the red boots to stand back for a few seconds. That man on the gate/pier - did you try to clone him out? He looks a bit pixelated if you zoom in close.

  3. #3

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    Re: Sunset - River Ure

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    Nice setting and good colours. I think I would have asked the lady(?) in the red boots to stand back for a few seconds. That man on the gate/pier - did you try to clone him out? He looks a bit pixelated if you zoom in close.
    No I didn't do any retouching, it's probably an artefact from the HDR merge as he moved between exposures.

  4. #4

    Re: Sunset - River Ure

    Quote Originally Posted by peterb533 View Post
    No I didn't do any retouching, it's probably an artefact from the HDR merge as he moved between exposures.
    Weird. I have never seen that before. It was quite noticeable from the full shot you posted. Here is the zoom. I use Dynamic Photo HDR, what did you use?

    Sunset - River Ure

  5. #5

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    Re: Sunset - River Ure

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    Weird. I have never seen that before. It was quite noticeable from the full shot you posted. Here is the zoom. I use Dynamic Photo HDR, what did you use?
    I used Photomatix Pro. If I remember correctly I had the box ticked to take care of ghosting, oh well can't win them all.

  6. #6

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Sunset - River Ure

    Quote Originally Posted by peterb533 View Post
    I used Photomatix Pro. If I remember correctly I had the box ticked to take care of ghosting, oh well can't win them all.
    Possibly the fact that he appears to be wearing clothing that's a similar tone to the surrounding greenery may have confused the program?

  7. #7

    Re: Sunset - River Ure

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Possibly the fact that he appears to be wearing clothing that's a similar tone to the surrounding greenery may have confused the program?
    Yes, I think that's right. The guy in blue looks OK. So, Peter, all you had to do was ask the lady in RED boots to move, and the guy in GREEN to put on a BLUE shirt. That was easily fixed.

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Sunset - River Ure

    Quote Originally Posted by peterb533 View Post
    I had the box ticked to take care of ghosting
    So that's what it means - add ghosts!

  9. #9

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    Re: Sunset - River Ure

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    Yes, I think that's right. The guy in blue looks OK. So, Peter, all you had to do was ask the lady in RED boots to move, and the guy in GREEN to put on a BLUE shirt. That was easily fixed.
    I had enough trouble claiming the pier I was on from waiting anglers let alone organize a fashion parade

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