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Thread: Ravenglass Sunset

  1. #21

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    Re: Ravenglass Sunset

    Quote Originally Posted by Alis View Post
    So, if that is the case, why most cameras only have the typical 3 stop bracketting? And how would you take more shots over a wider range with a camera like 5D which only has the 3 stop bracketing? You change the exposure time with the shutter release?
    Hi Ali,

    Don't confuse the number of shots in the bracket group with the delta EV for each of those shots. The 1D3 and 1Ds3 and take 2, 3, 5, or 7 shots in a bracket, and the maximum delta EV is 3 stops either side of the mid-point (that's total, not 3EV between each and every shot).

    I'm not sure on what all of the other models allow, but typically they only allow a delta EV of +/- 2 stops, and often only a 3 shot bracket.

    If you need anything outside of that then you need to "go manual".

  2. #22

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    Re: Ravenglass Sunset

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post

    I then took the 0EV RAW and created two further copis, one at -2EV and another at +1EV. This is the way most people create HDR and it has some criticism, as you said yourself, Colin. I ran these through Dynamic using the same settings.
    We had somewhat of a "spirited debate" about this a few months ago but - in essence - if it's produced from a single exposure (either directly or via several "ACR redeveloped" files) then it's not HDR, it's just playing with the tone-mapping for artistic effect.

  3. #23

    Re: Ravenglass Sunset

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    ...if it's produced from a single exposure (either directly or via several "ACR redeveloped" files) then it's not HDR, it's just playing with the tone-mapping for artistic effect.
    That's right enough. And that's what creates all of those over-cooked HDR shots with the blotchy skies. I think you should look at an HDR shot and just see an improved tonal range - not the artistic effect. Getting back to the OP shot, it does look quite 'natural'; there was just the problem with the ghosting man.

    EDIT: Sorry, there is no ghost man. I was thinking of another thread by the same poster.
    Last edited by carregwen; 28th August 2009 at 10:55 AM. Reason: correct error

  4. #24

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    Re: Ravenglass Sunset

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    That's right enough. And that's what creates all of those over-cooked HDR shots with the blotchy skies. I think you should look at an HDR shot and just see an improved tonal range - not the artistic effect. Getting back to the OP shot, it does look quite 'natural'; there was just the problem with the ghosting man.
    To be honest, I don't mind some of the "artsy" type psudo-HDR shots, although I must admit that they do start to "fry my brain" if I look at more than a few at the same time

    So personally, I'm more one for just working with the increased DR (more DR, less "art") ... I'm just working hard to disassociate the two in peoples minds from both being "HDR" and "the HDR look"

  5. #25

    Re: Ravenglass Sunset

    Quote Originally Posted by peterb533 View Post
    Why not May have to wait until next week though as I'm at work now and away for a long weekend as its wedding anniversary I know you've given details of how to send RAW file before but I wasn't paying attention then so could you repeat?

    Lovely image! and, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!

  6. #26

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    Happy Anniversary!

    Here's my version of your shot

    Ravenglass Sunset

  7. #27

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    Re: Ravenglass Sunset

    Hi Colin,

    Looks good. I can see that you've cropped a bit more to get rid of the other boat and some of the sky etc. but what else did you do?


  8. #28

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    Re: Ravenglass Sunset

    Quote Originally Posted by peterb533 View Post
    Hi Colin,

    Looks good. I can see that you've cropped a bit more to get rid of the other boat and some of the sky etc. but what else did you do?

    Hi Peter,

    I worked mostly in two areas; Getting the tones right in ACR and getting the crop right.

    The ACR bit follows a simple rule "move uach slider until the image quality stops improving" Rinse and repeat! Colour temperature is pretty critical with strong colours like that (that's one of the reasons why I thought that processing the image from scratch might be an interesting exercise - I thought you had a bit too much purple in your sky). I also had to get very agressive with the black clipping point and fill light. Often with this type of shot you end up with large inputs/swings in many of the controls.

    In terms of cropping, it was a multi-step thing ... progressively removing area that didn't contribute, leaving more that did ... and if that heppens to leave an image that's very wide (ie panoramic looking) then so much the better.

    After that, quick sharpen - throw on the boarder and writing and "job done"

  9. #29

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    Re: Ravenglass Sunset

    rob, what kind of car is that?

  10. #30
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    Re: Ravenglass Sunset

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinbythebeach View Post
    rob, what kind of car is that?
    Looks like a Pegeut (spelling?) to me, French.

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