I really like the shot compositionally and some of the color. It appears to me though that the light to the right of the boat is more of a greenish cast as compared to the left, warmer-toned--compare the floor boards on each side. I prefer the light on the left. I'm not sure whether that's a fluorescent fixture above the window or if there's a fluorescent source somewhere else?
Hi Joe,
Off to the right were several fluorescent lights but behind me and to the left were tungsten and natural light, so bit of a nightmare. I suppose I could have adjust different RAW conversions for each source and combined in PS but my processing skills aren't that good.
Hi Peter,
Yes, this would have been a much nicer picture 40 years ago, before the fluorescents were installed.
I was thinkingif you could copy clone the solitary tungsten lamp a few more times and get rid of the fluorescent fitting itself, it would help, but ideally you need to replace the colour of the green lit floor with that from the left - in order to match the clone installed tungsten lamps
Might be worth toning down that white surface on right too.
Nice shot though, a nice work-in-progress atmosphere,
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 27th August 2009 at 07:48 PM.
I like the image...it has a lot of interest. I wonder if it might be even better if you didn't crop off the bottom corner of the boat...perhaps sacraficed a little ceiling. Not sure it would be better...just wondering. I know what it is to battle dim and mixed lighting. The end result isn't that bad given the conditions. I wonder what it would look like in black and white or sepia tone?
Still it's a good and interesting shot.