I think it would be better if you could post them at a much larger size than the 256 pixels along the top that you have used. At this size I don't think we can see them well enough to give a fair comment.
Yes, I'm not sure what has gone wrong here, your previous images have all been at bigger sizes.
Probably some glitch with resizing or uploading. What size were your photos prior to uploading? If it is an upload problem this thread might help. HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
From what I can see of these shots, I would tend to suggest not framing quite so tightly for the buildings; although there may be something which you had to exclude. However, just a fraction more space would have been beneficial.
The alternative applies to the last one where I find a little too much plain sky which dominates the foliage colours. It would have worked OK if the sky had been more interesting.
ps. With regard to the spider crab; I think any reflection problem has merged sufficiently with the background that it looks quite natural, so I wouldn't worry about it.
I would say, Divya, that you have shutter speed problems with all these shots. Did you use a tripod for the first two which have a very slow shutter speed?
On top of that you have an exposure problem with the first one due to shooting a dark building against a fairly bright sky. Which requires more tone range than one exposure can handle. A good case for merging multiple exposure shots I think.
With careful settings, HDR can handle this sort of shot without looking excessive. Alternatively, I suppose this could be a case for a trial 'extraction' of the building and placement onto a different sky background.
As an alternative, you might be able to 'move' part of the right hand sky to the left side; but quite a lot of work whatever you try.
The slightly darker sky has worked better with the second, but it is a bit soft; probably the slow shutter speed.
If you were moving with the third image, a shutter speed of 1/30 is very slow. I would want something around 1/500 or faster for those conditions. You have plenty of spare capacity in the aperture setting which could be opened up to F8 or a little wider and still work.
As it is, a tighter crop with a different size ratio would lose the worst of the blur on the left side.
Thanks for the suggestions Geoff. Would keep in mind to shoot at different exposures for HDR when the subject is backlit
. Yeah I was having shutter speed problem especially for the first two photos, for the last one I didn't even had the time to adjust the shutter speed
I have been busy for the past few weeks.
Well for this week I took some photos of the last fall colors near my place.
For this shot I was almost lying on the ground, my first time to take such a close up photo. It's a bit difficult to take such close up photos with 18-55mm lens
Comments & Critics please
Good colour with the first two.
The last one features some Harvestmen, possibly from the Leiobunum clan but it needs really close shots for confirmed identification.
Getting sharp focus on this sort of scene ideally requires a tripod and manual focusing. There isn't anything of great interest on the left side so I would try a crop. Probably somewhere around a 5 x 4 ratio.
First one looks fine but I think I would try cropping the second to a different ratio and lose some of the out of focus area on the left.