Hi, I took this picture on a dull and damp day in January. It is of the Lower Falls in Glen Nevis, near Fort William and is one of my favourite spots in the world. Unfortunately, the original was rather dull and the water was blown out, however I was inspired by one of Donald's B&W images of a river to try converting to B&W. I desaturated the RAW image in Elements, reduced the exposure slightly and increased contrast, blacks and fill light. I then applied a levels layer to bring out slightly more contrast in the dark areas and boosted brightness slightly to compensate, before applying my newly learned dodge and burn techniques (I have only been doing digital photography and Photoshop for about a year) to try to bring out the atmosphere of the enclosed gully and the drama from the power of the waterfall.
I would really appreciate some feedback on what is missing or anything else I can do to improve this.
The original was shot at F 5.3; 1/200s; ISO 3,200 @44mm