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Thread: Too much or not enough

  1. #1
    Soozie B's Avatar
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    Too much or not enough

    During my photo shooting today I captured two similarly themed pictures. I feel that one is overly busy with colour and the other is clean (I hope I'm using the right terminology here) but a little boring. I think I am developing a bias towards uncluttered photographs which may stop me seeing something good in a busy shot.

    Some experienced feedback here would be appreciated as I would like to understand how to make these types of shots contain the wow factor.

    Too much or not enough
    Climbing by Soozie_Lou_B, on Flickr

    Too much or not enough
    Hanging by Soozie_Lou_B, on Flickr

  2. #2
    kdoc856's Avatar
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    Re: Too much or not enough

    Hi, Soozie

    You've done a lot of things right, here. Image #1 stands out for me overall: I like the varied camera angle, the saturation for me is good, and the skin tones are nice. The background has a good DoF and contributes to the story. A small shame that the rope is cutting across her face.

    I find the 2nd image a bit flat, and the bright upper right background with trees pulls the eye away from your lovely model,and adds an element that doesnt contribute to your story.

    If you have one, a circular polarizing filter would take down the reflected highlights, and add some color depth. To keep color in outdoor shots like these, I typically adjust my exposure to -.3 EV.

    Both these shots have her placed right in the bull's eye center, which lessens the dynamic interest. I think you might like the effect of a crop of the first image along the right side to better place her in the right 1/3 of the image, and to remove a dull sky that doesnt add anything- "whatever doesn't add, detracts".

    I hope this helps a little.


  3. #3
    Soozie B's Avatar
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    Re: Too much or not enough

    Hi Kevin,

    Thanks for your comments, as a novice all feedback is absorbed and digested. I don't think I have the filter you are talking about - purely because I don't know what it is (although I know I did buy a polarizing filter and had it fitted, but I'm also assuming it is not what you are referring to). Is there anything else I can do that is suitable for my level of experience to enhance the 2nd shot?


    I will crop the 1st image as suggested and compare it against the original.

  4. #4
    Soozie B's Avatar
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    Re: Too much or not enough

    Both these shots have her placed right in the bull's eye center, which lessens the dynamic interest. I think you might like the effect of a crop of the first image along the right side to better place her in the right 1/3 of the image, and to remove a dull sky that doesnt add anything- "whatever doesn't add, detracts".

    Wow, ok so it does make a huge difference. Thanks so much

    Too much or not enough
    Climbing Edited by Soozie_Lou_B, on Flickr

  5. #5
    kdoc856's Avatar
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    Re: Too much or not enough

    Here's a quickie edit: crop the nonessential on the right, increased color saturation and contrast a smidge, toned downthe highlights in right upper corner, cloned out the metal and shiny fence top just above her head and below the lower rope, a little selective sharpening of body and ropes (left her face nice and soft), slight blur of the foreground and background- honing the emphasis our model and the ropes.

    Your polarizer probably is a circular polarizer if you screw it in to attach and rotate the outer ring of it. Hope this helps.


    Too much or not enough
    Last edited by kdoc856; 8th September 2012 at 02:47 PM.

  6. #6
    kdoc856's Avatar
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    Re: Too much or not enough

    Oh, soozie- forgot to mention- I mostly use Lightroom 4 and PSE 10 for editing

  7. #7
    Soozie B's Avatar
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    Re: Too much or not enough

    Hi there

    Totally fabulous. I will try to copy your techniques with my version to see if I can follow your words and produce something similar.

  8. #8

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    Re: Too much or not enough

    Personally, I don't like shots in which faces are interrupted without artistic value. Especially in children because, I feel they are always the purpose of the photo to begin witih. So, I prefer the second shot. As mentioned above, the second shot also has the girl's face in the center.

    I like the angled shot in the second because it is simpler. The first one has enough of it's own angles, although the girl is straight. It's visually confusing to me.

    Other than that, I love the colors and the whole concept. Keep posting!!

    I just thought of something --if your cropped the first image very close, the little girls eyes would be the focus of attention. That might be very nice.
    Last edited by ggt; 8th September 2012 at 05:02 PM. Reason: thought of something else.

  9. #9
    whited3's Avatar
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    Re: Too much or not enough

    I think they're both good shots but flawed. The first is the better of the two but the rope crosses her face. The second is cleaner but agin the rope is in the way.

  10. #10
    Soozie B's Avatar
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    Re: Too much or not enough

    Thanks for the feedback Gretchen and Mark. I will try try suggested cropping and if they weren't flawed Mark I would be very worried. I am loving the feeling of this website and the interactions between people. I am learning so much at a serious rate of knots here. You guys are awesome.

  11. #11
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Too much or not enough

    Hi Soozie,

    Welcome to the CiC forums from me - picking up on something discussed earlier.

    Quote Originally Posted by kdoc856 View Post
    If you have one, a circular polarizing filter would take down the reflected highlights, and add some color depth.
    Quote Originally Posted by Soozie B View Post
    I don't think I have the filter you are talking about - purely because I don't know what it is (although I know I did buy a polarizing filter and had it fitted, but I'm also assuming it is not what you are referring to).
    The filter most often fitted to a lens (and left on) is a UV filter - it is effectively clear.

    If you had one fitted fulltime (by the shop/supplier), I doubt if it is a polariser because that loses about 2 stops of exposure and ought to be rotated on each shot for best effect and, for transparency, looks like sunglasses.

    If you do have "a polarizer", it probably is the circular variety Kevin refers to.

    I had a look at your albums and if you are as new at this as you say, then you are 'a natural' at this photography lark


  12. #12
    Soozie B's Avatar
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    Re: Too much or not enough

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    I had a look at your albums and if you are as new at this as you say, then you are 'a natural' at this photography lark
    Hi there. My first picture was taken on 8/1/2012, so I'm guessing that qualifies me as new.

    As far as the lens goes the man at the shop fitted it and told me to leave it on, so I guess it's not.

  13. #13
    Soozie B's Avatar
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    Re: Too much or not enough

    Quote Originally Posted by ggt View Post
    I just thought of something --if your cropped the first image very close, the little girls eyes would be the focus of attention. That might be very nice.

    I have cropped it as per your suggestion, does this change the focus of attention? I'm thinking I dont mind it but the playground equipment, which is part of the story has been lost. So does the impact of the shot been lost too? Or just transferred to a new meaning (i.e the girls face?)

    Too much or not enough
    Climbing Cropped by Soozie_Lou_B, on Flickr

  14. #14

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    Re: Too much or not enough

    This revised image immediately conveys a child playing on some rather fancy equipment. You get that and the attention drawn to the child's face, in other worlds, the best of both worlds in this revision.

    As I mentioned in your other thread, I'm envious of the natural talent that you have for this stuff. You only need to keep practicing and asking more questions to improve on your implementation of the concept.

    I wonder if this is a child that you know. On the one hand, shooting people you know is good motivation to get out there and make photos. On the other hand, a lot of us are less critical about images of people we know because we are emotionally attached to the subjects. You might want to consider trying to increase your objectivity and self-criticism by shooting people you don't know.

  15. #15
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    Re: Too much or not enough

    Hi Mike

    Its funny you should ask if I knew this girl or not. The answer is no I didn't. I was driving around last Saturday and noticed a kids party happening at a park near my house. It was an awfully cold and windy day but yet the kids were having a ball and I wanted to see how the shots would look under those conditions. So I plucked up the courage and went and introduced myself, telling the parents I was learning photography and did they mind if I used the kids as practice. I offered a copy of any images to the parents as a thank you for allowing me take pictures.

  16. #16
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Too much or not enough

    Quote Originally Posted by Soozie B View Post
    ... telling the parents I was learning photography and did they mind if I used the kids as practice.
    Probably either get hit or reported to the police if you tried that here!

    I speak as a child protection professional and there is so much our society has got wrong about the messages that we've put out about child safety/abuse issues.

  17. #17
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    Re: Too much or not enough

    I was a little wary of the perception some of the parents may have had regarding those issues so I offered them my license as proof of identity and also took my iPad with me so I could show them some of my photos and the sites I was on (although now I think of it, someone with less than honourable intentions may have gone to the same lengths and beyond as well). I didn't need to show either. It just took a discussion, which did surprise me a little I must admit.

  18. #18
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Too much or not enough

    It's nice that there is some trust left out there. The unfortunate truth is that 'stranger danger' is, relatively speaking, a rarity and children are at much more risk from those that live in the same house as them and are supposed to care for them. But the 'stranger danger' episodes attract huge media attention and that, in turn, informs public opinion ... as well as populist policies from politicians looking for votes.

  19. #19
    Soozie B's Avatar
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    Re: Too much or not enough

    Amen to that. Couldn't agree more

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