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Thread: Yosemite Valley from the Merced River

  1. #1
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Yosemite Valley from the Merced River

    I was going to post this to my P52 thread as week 37, but I honestly feel that the P52 threads sometimes get neglected and I'm proud enough of this photo that I wanted to share it out here on its own.

    So far, this is hands-down my favorite photo I have processed from my visit to Yosemite National Park (though I have a feeling it may be trumped by another couple that I still have yet to process).

    Since landscape photography is not my main photographic passion, any and all C&C is greatly appreciated.

    Yosemite Valley from the Merced River

    Now I just need to not come down with hantavirus, and the trip will have been a great success!

    - Bill

  2. #2
    orlcam88's Avatar
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    Re: Yosemite Valley from the Merced River

    It's an interesting photo as it sure makes me want to be there. I would like to see a larger version of it. My only suggestion would be to add more contrast to the sky and the mountains.

  3. #3

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    Re: Yosemite Valley from the Merced River

    Excellent photo! Yosemite is a magical place, thanks for showing us why!

  4. #4
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Yosemite Valley from the Merced River

    Perhaps the image could be perked up a bit in post processing but the composition is outstanding, particularly with the dynamic DoF.

  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Yosemite Valley from the Merced River

    Very nice.... The Yosemite Valley is one of the most picturesque spots in the USA...

  6. #6
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Yosemite Valley from the Merced River

    From what I've read, the biggest challenge in Yosemite is getting the angle for a shot that doesn't include several thousand other people. Or are there still any quiet spots?

  7. #7
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Yosemite Valley from the Merced River

    Hi Bill

    That's a lovely shot with great composition. However I do think some simple pp would make it better. I would look at extra sharpening, reduce the highlights, maybe some Local Contrast Enhancement and maybe a bit more colour saturation.


  8. #8
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Re: Yosemite Valley from the Merced River

    Thanks all for all the compliments. For those who would like to see additional PP work, can you provide some more details? I'm kind of a toddler with PP so far. At this point, I do all of my adjustments in ACR, and where needed can use some content aware fill for minor fixes. So any detailed instructions or reference materials you can provide for making the adjustments you suggest would be greatly appreciated.

    Donald, as for the crowds, they definitely can be a problem. I spent a lot of the time there trying to get creative with compositions to avoid people, or waiting for the right time when there were no people in my frame. But it isn't impossible, and generally people are somewhat cognizant of photographers (though there are plenty of oblivious ones as well). But we photographers know all about patience or going to great lengths to get the shot we want... this one was taken laying on the edge of the river bank, holding the camera out over the water to keep from getting other folks standing on the bank in the frame.

    - Bill

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