Very nice shots, Steve.
About the park landscape picture, while eveything looks perfect, it sort of lacks the magnificence we usually see in landscape images, I mean it looks so ordinary. Wondering what is the secret? Is it the sharpness, the saturation, not sure...
Welcome to the forums. Not everyone is rude like me here!
Hi Steve,
I did (enjoy them) thanks.
I see (from taking a sneaky peek at the EXIF data) you're a Canon man with a 40D and 300mm f4L lens.
However, even with a lens like the Canon L series, I'm still not sure how you got that close to the sleeping bambi.
One question; where in the world are you?
Welcome to the CiC forums - even though I don't usually say that here,
Thanks dave, i live in northern West Virginia. How i got so close.....................she was sleeping of course.![]()
Actually, these are wild animals, that live in a park and are use to people being around. They will sometimes let you get close, and sometimes not.............just depends on the individual and the mood they are in. Here is one that didn't mind letting me get close
Thanks Steve,
We have some in a park not too far away that ought to be like that, mind you last time I went there was as a kid far too many years ago.
Must go try my hand one day.
Hello Steve, welcome to CIC.
Thats a very nice shot of Bambi. I also like the shot of the Herons, however I do find the out of focus plant at the bottom sightly distracting.
You will find many helpful people around here with many comments to share. Do keep in mind that photography is a matter of personal preference and many comments should be taken with a grain of salt. One persons "great" photo will always be someone elses "adverage" shot.
As long as you like the photo, thats all that matters.![]()
How's it going rodney? Thank you for the honest input, and i totally agree with you. Other than cloning it out, there is nothing i could do about it. This is what i had to do, to get these shots.
First i had to cross a knee deep creek with all my gear. Next i had to climb about a 1/4 mile up a very steep hill with camera, monopod,climbing gear(tree spikes-treesaddle-rope), and treestand(About 50 pounds of gear). Then i had to climb up 35feet in a tree on the edge of a steep enbankment, set the stand , pull all my gear up. Saw out a few limbs and then i was ready for a couple hours of shooting.I had to work really hard to get any shot at all, and i'm really proud of all the shots i got.(several hundred and there is always next year because they roost there every year) I couldn't move because i was standing 50feet in the air on a 24x30 inch platform.
It's the kind of shot that would look great if you had an older child holding the hand of a younger child whilst walking away from the camera (towards the bend).
Steve, you hold Ali down whilst Dave and I blur his photos - crop them so that they're all crooked, and then mess up the skin tones!Welcome to the forums. Not everyone is rude like me here!
That reminds me of my brief farming days ... I was rounding up the cows for morning milking at some ungawdly hour and came across one that was lying down asleep. I said "good morning!" - it opened one eye - closed it again - thought about it for a second then "holy cow ... human in my personal space" kind of reaction as it got up as fast as it could and ran off!
I don't miss those days one bit!
Play nice now!
Nice pics!!!
I was half exspecting to next see some forest fires and deer running , then i realized that was in Bambi....
Great pics though.,,,especially the fawn nursing int he rain,,,really cool...![]()
Hi Steve,
Welcome to CiC. I like your wildlife shots. I am mainly taking landscape photographs, but I always enjoy to view good wildlife photos. I think it is quite difficult to get great photos of that kind, with very different techniques from other types.
One thing I like to ask you about is: what telephoto lens you use for wildlife photography? I am asking because I found many times my 70-200mm lens is not long enough when I take photos in mountain areas for landscape, someone suggested me to consider some lens for wildlife shooting. I am considering to buy a lens extension.
Hi Steve,
I really like the wildlife shots.The nursing fawn shot is my favorite.I think about doing a shot on that road in Oglebay everytime I drive it
It would be much easier to get a good composition if the road was straight.Colin's idea of the children might be worth looking at.
Welcome to CiC.
Hello Steve, I admire dedication and you obviously have bundles of it.
Nice shots in my humble opinion, I have to say humble as I am pretty inexperienced in photography, but since joining CiC I have learnt an incredible amount in a short space of time, climbing trees and scaling mountains might just be a step too far for me to get 'that' shot though
Keep em coming!
Steve, as a newbie to this forum as well, I welcome you with open arms!
I love your sleeping Bambi--- too cute!