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Thread: What is the purpose of tone compensation?

  1. #41

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    Re: Low Contrast tone compensation


    Good, please keep us posted.


    Those metadata fields are used by apps that show the JPEG preview of a raw file. They point to the starting address of the JPEG data and say how big the JPEG sub-file is. As you probably know, JPEGs can have embedded ICC profiles and that is where tone data can be found and more. There are free downloads for apps that look at that kind of stuff. ACR sidecar files have their curves accessible by NotePad but it ain't fun!


    Sigma's latest Photo Pro has a CA correction tool and can open JPEGs. Let me know if you want to give it a try and I'll find a link for you. It's free, BTW.

  2. #42

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    Re: Low Contrast tone compensation

    It's clear, Ted, that you know a lot more about particular metadata fields than I do. I only use the basic fields, usually limited to the EXIF information.

  3. #43
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Low Contrast tone compensation

    Hi Ted, Thank you. I have Lightroom 4.1 so I can fix it but trying to save computer time, but sure if you have time to share the link I'd love to check it out to see how it compares to the fix in lightroom.

  4. #44

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    Re: Low Contrast tone compensation

    Quote Originally Posted by Christina S View Post
    Hi Ted, Thank you. I have Lightroom 4.1 so I can fix it but trying to save computer time, but sure if you have time to share the link I'd love to check it out to see how it compares to the fix in lightroom.
    Hola Cristina ;-)

    Here y'are:

    Let me know if you have any trouble getting it to work.

    [EDIT] I may have misled you. I just now opened 5.1 to see if it has CA correction (it doesn't) but more importantly, when I opened a JPEG or a TIFF, half the editing tools disappeared as compared to opening a Sigma X3F file. That is quite likely to be true of the CA tool. [/EDIT]

    For your purposes, it should be able to open TIFFs or JPEGs but it will not open RAW files other than the Sigma kind (.X3F).

    Beware the preset level for sharpening which can be quite fierce even with the slider at zero (Sigma SD1 owners often set it at -2 and do their final sharpen elsewhere!).

    I haven't used SPP 5.3.2 (no advantage for my camera) nor their CA tool so good luck!
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 22nd September 2012 at 05:46 PM.

  5. #45
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Low Contrast tone compensation

    Hola Ted,

    Thank you. That is okay.. The thought is truly appreciated.


    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    Hola Cristina ;-)

    Here y'are:

    Let me know if you have any trouble getting it to work.

    [EDIT] I may have misled you. I just now opened 5.1 to see if it has CA correction (it doesn't) but more importantly, when I opened a JPEG or a TIFF, half the editing tools disappeared as compared to opening a Sigma X3F file. That is quite likely to be true of the CA tool. [/EDIT]

    For your purposes, it should be able to open TIFFs or JPEGs but it will not open RAW files other than the Sigma kind (.X3F).

    Beware the preset level for sharpening which can be quite fierce even with the slider at zero (Sigma SD1 owners often set it at -2 and do their final sharpen elsewhere!).

    I haven't used SPP 5.3.2 (no advantage for my camera) nor their CA tool so good luck!

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