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Thread: Dune Fence at Sunrise

  1. #1
    PhotoRob's Avatar
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    Dune Fence at Sunrise

    Anytime I'm able to I try and get a shot of the dune fences at the beach, but I can't for the life of me knock down that morning sun without 'tarnishing' the areas around it in the photo.

    Any Aperture users out there that can recommend how to blend the sun within a shot in a natural way? Thanks in advance. All other C&C welcome..

    Dune Fence at Sunrise
    Last edited by Donald; 15th September 2012 at 04:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Dune Fence at Sunrise

    Rob - The problem is that the sun is bright - very bright. Anything with direct sunlight in it is going to blow big-time.

    If you need the sun up and in the shot in order to get that lighting on the fence (and it is beautiful), then the sacrifice is to have blown highlights in the sky. Even extreme bracketing and using HDR ain't going to get you back from that situation. You could do a bracket and at least get the area around the sun back a bit, but your not going to get the sun itself

    ps - I changed the title from 'dunce' to 'dune'. I take it that was a typo. And if not, sorry. I don't think you're a dunce.
    Last edited by Donald; 15th September 2012 at 06:17 PM.

  3. #3
    rtbaum's Avatar
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    Re: Dune Fence at Sunrise

    I must admit though........I really wanted see a dunce fence. Would taking this shot half an hour earlier have worked?

  4. #4
    PhotoRob's Avatar
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    Re: Dune Fence at Sunrise

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Rob - The problem is that the sun is bright - very bright. Anything with direct sunlight in it is going to blow big-time.

    If you need the sun up and in the shot in order to get that lighting on the fence (and it is beautiful), then the sacrifice is to have blown highlights in the sky. Even extreme bracketing and using HDR ain't going to get you back from that situation. You could do a bracket and at least get the area around the sun back a bit, but your not going to get the sun itself

    ps - I changed the title from 'dunce' to 'dune'. I take it that was a typo. And if not, sorry. I don't think you're a dunce.
    Thanks for the feedback Donald, and I very much appreciate correcting that typo (no more late night posts!)

  5. #5
    PhotoRob's Avatar
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    Re: Dune Fence at Sunrise

    Quote Originally Posted by rtbaum View Post
    I must admit though........I really wanted see a dunce fence. Would taking this shot half an hour earlier have worked?
    Until that sun peeps over the waves you really don't get the same 'washed over' effect - that said, I will be reshooting this and will make more pre-dawn attempts; thought was maybe to get some foliage to block the direct sun from the lens...

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