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Thread: N.Z. Harrier vs Duck – RAW and PP vs Over exposure

  1. #1
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    N.Z. Harrier vs Duck – RAW and PP vs Over exposure

    While visiting a falconry centre I was invited to stay back after the show and take some photographs of a bird undertaking a training session. After the crowd had gone a rather small but very fast and very very aggressive N.Z. Harrier called Millie came out with her trainer and obediently posed for me on a fence post.

    N.Z. Harrier vs Duck – RAW and PP vs Over exposure

    The trainer then gave Millie the signal to fly to its normal vantage point on a high pole. Millie took off into the air and then spotted a duck on some grass about 200 metres away and was off. The trainer raced to the ducks rescue and I arrived about 10 seconds later. Millie had a talon firmly wrapped around the ducks neck but had not managed to inflict the fatal bite before the trainers gloved hand got in the way.

    N.Z. Harrier vs Duck – RAW and PP vs Over exposure

    It was a matter of grabbing shots as quickly as possible. The lighting was very harsh so I turned the flash on to use as some fill but unfortunately it was on the wrong setting (+1 flash compensation) so most of the shots were severely over exposed. As I always shoot in RAW I managed to semi recover the images. The trainers hand that was nearest the flash and had lost all detail so I was forced to clone and add some sort of skin texture/tone. As the hand is not a focal point in any of the photographs I might just get away with it for a casual uninformed observer. (Certainly not you lot)

    N.Z. Harrier vs Duck – RAW and PP vs Over exposure

    N.Z. Harrier vs Duck – RAW and PP vs Over exposure

    N.Z. Harrier vs Duck – RAW and PP vs Over exposure

    The duck (at least 3x Millie's size) was freed after a bit of a battle with Millie who obviously thought duck was on the menu. I was amazed at how strongly her talon gripped. Eventually Millie opted for some of the snacks the trainer had and went back to attacking the lure.

    N.Z. Harrier vs Duck – RAW and PP vs Over exposure

    As I was taking the shots I was aware the composition was not very good but the trainer confirmed latter to me that yelling instructions about posing would not only have been in vain but would have prompted an impolite response. I was just very lucky to be there at a very rare event.
    Last edited by pnodrog; 16th September 2012 at 11:43 AM. Reason: Grammmmmmer was bad

  2. #2
    dubaiphil's Avatar
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    Re: N.Z. Harrier vs Duck – RAW and PP vs Over exposure

    A good bit of impromptu photojournalism, Paul!

    Viscous little b*gger! I had a similar experience an a walking with lions experience. The playful little 9 month lions were walking towards us on a track through the bush when they caught the smell of a deer - nature took over and they were off!

  3. #3
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: N.Z. Harrier vs Duck – RAW and PP vs Over exposure

    Thanks Phil - If I can almost keep up with a Harrier you must be able to run after a couple of lion cubs - on second thoughts I could almost handle a harrier's angry mum but definitely not a lioness.

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    Re: N.Z. Harrier vs Duck – RAW and PP vs Over exposure

    Great series. Karearea is a fantastic bird. Not enough of 'em left, sadly.

  5. #5
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: N.Z. Harrier vs Duck – RAW and PP vs Over exposure

    Thanks Tim - We do not get them in the top half of the North Island but I guess they are in huge flocks in your area. Seriously, it is a shame that such a beautiful and feisty bird is so endangered.

  6. #6

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    Re: N.Z. Harrier vs Duck – RAW and PP vs Over exposure

    Oh pretty. I love falcons.

  7. #7
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: N.Z. Harrier vs Duck – RAW and PP vs Over exposure

    What a beautiful narrative to explain the action shots you took. The first shot is nothing is going to happen later on. I am glad you caught it all even if the shots may not have been complete for you, those that did not make it to the submission will be a good memory...I can almost feel those moments you experience, Paul...Lucky duck! A little bit more delayed and it certainly be Peking-ed.

  8. #8
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: N.Z. Harrier vs Duck – RAW and PP vs Over exposure

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    What a beautiful narrative to explain the action shots you took. The first shot is nothing is going to happen later on. I am glad you caught it all even if the shots may not have been complete for you, those that did not make it to the submission will be a good memory...I can almost feel those moments you experience, Paul...Lucky duck! A little bit more delayed and it certainly be Peking-ed.
    Thanks for your comments. It was posted a long time ago I am surprised you unearthed it..... The additional recovery ability when shooting RAW is a significant factor in why the bulk of my photography is done that way.

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    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: N.Z. Harrier vs Duck – RAW and PP vs Over exposure

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    Thanks for your comments. It was posted a long time ago I am surprised you unearthed it..... The additional recovery ability when shooting RAW is a significant factor in why the bulk of my photography is done that way.
    I didn't unearthed it...It was Gayathrie...blame her! This is the first time I saw this was posted before I joined CiC. I thought it was new...I didn't looked at the date...

  10. #10
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: N.Z. Harrier vs Duck – RAW and PP vs Over exposure

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Lark View Post
    Oh pretty. I love falcons.
    Thank you Jessica - I did not spot your comment and sorry I did not give you credit for unearthing the post.

  11. #11
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: N.Z. Harrier vs Duck – RAW and PP vs Over exposure is Jessica ...thanks, Jessica...

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