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Thread: was that a rabbit i saw?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    sidmouth uk
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    was that a rabbit i saw?

    here is kea, just before she caught it!!
    was that a rabbit i saw?

  2. #2
    stardelta's Avatar
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    rotherham south yorkshire uk
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    Re: was that a rabbit i saw?

    Hi mark,
    Kea is a beautiful girl and is striking a lovely pose.
    You didn't ask for any c&c so i don't know wether you want any constructive advice, although i don't know if I am qualified to offer any but here goes.
    1. kea's white fur on her face and neck are blown out
    2.the fence posts and lines are really distracting
    unfortunately the fencing is cutting through her head,ears and tip of her ears and the post is really close
    to her face.
    which is a shame, but i would love to see a image of kea with nothing in the background.
    but all that said she as a lovely expression on her face and is a complete beauty.
    Regards Glenn

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    sidmouth uk
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    Re: was that a rabbit i saw?

    hi glenn, ah yes i never mind c+c should have said, also i forgot to add this was only taken with my iphone while up the horses fields, so no more than a snap really.
    i should put some nice ones i have of her up, in the instances she's not covered in mud!!
    it was my fault, i was browsing the pet picks and thought ah yeah put one up of kea.....must remember to think more before posting,lol.

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