ROTFLAMO --and it's an excellent photo to boot!!!
His eyes --LOL! It needs a caption. "Waddya looking at?" in a Brooklyn accent!
THAT DOES IT, we need a monthy caption contest. LOL
I love them all! Thanks, I needed this kind of photo viewing this morning!!!
Thought it was a prank road sign. Not so, it does exist. LOL
John, is Ragged Ass Road in Canada?
Paul, I think there is a road like that in Hawaii, where a lava flow cut it off forever.
Truth is much funnier than fiction.
Hi, Gretchen;
Yes, Ragged Ass Road is in Yellowknife, capital of the Northwest Territories here in Canada. I took that photo back in 1983, when I was working for the summer as a reporter/photographer/darkroom technician for a First Nations newspaper called "The Native Press" (no longer in operation), back when I would go up North for the summer to earn my tuition for the following year at university.
Those dogs are of course half wild and probably more than half wolf; and I've always thought of someone encountering that pack, wondering if they should just run for it, and then looking up to see that street sign.
But of course the sign doesn't refer to a 'wild dingoes bit me bum' kind of scenario! The street was named after a prospector who drove his mule all the way up to Yellowknife while looking for gold back in the 1930's; and the animal arrived more dead than alive, reputedly giving up the ghost in that area of the "Old Town" and giving that road its name in the process.
The town council of Yellowknife debates changing the street name every now and again; not because of the name itself but because that is probably the most often stolen street sign in all of Canada, and they get tired of having to keep replacing it!
John, thanks for explaining it. Too Funny!