Originally Posted by
Well the first shot is a bracketed exposure, blended in post processing. Sharpness, contrast, saturation have all been added. Could be a Neutral Density filter that was used, but unlikely as the man on the rock is exposed like the foreground, rather than the sky (the ND filter would darken the area he's stood on)
The second shot could be an ND filter, due to the darker areas of rocky coastline around the horizon level, but probably used the same technique as above. Or the photographer could have used an inverted ND filter in Lightroom or the equivalent to bring up the light levels in the foreground. Either way, it doesn't look quite right.
There is a big learning curve to getting your post processing right, and employing skill to capture the scene in the best possible way at the time of capture, in order to create a finished image that looks good and right to the eye. Don't be disheartened. If you see images like these on forums, ask the poster how they processed it and many will come back to you with the techniques.