I should have added the obvious one to that lot for general photography. 1/2 press the shutter and scan the scene with the camera and see where the AF areas still light up. It should also be possible to do this with depth of field preview active.
I've made a mental note to try that. I generally guess depth of field from aperture value and the view through the view finder and generally only use depth of field to deliberately blur background a little. In that case the lens will be more or less wide open so there isn't much of a problem just using the viewfinder and making sure that the object is in sharp focus. However this doesn't always allow me to achieve what I could do with a manual focus film camera. DOFP and af points might. It's not a problem with a lens more or less wide open as the dof isn't going to change much when it's stopped down for the shot. Getting the right amount of blur is guess work or variation on dof calculations and a tape measure.