Very nice indeed. And you have the moon in there as well.
I was hoping to get both a sunset and a moon today but the sunset was miserable and the moon behind clouds. Grrrr.
Very nice mood Jeff and you've handled the light well.
I'll have to stop looking at CIC. I keep seeing places, scenes and lighting conditions that make me more than a little envious. The photographic opportunities at this location look overwhelming. A striking shot and it took me a long time to pinpoint what did not quite work for me. Finally I decided there were two minor changes that would improve it for me. First would be to crop the bottom of the photo about a third of the way to the left hand boat and jetty. The second is that the left hand side has very few warm colours to balance the right hand side. A horizontal graduated warming filter may be an answer but just lightning and emphasising any warm tones on the brightest side (port) of the front boat's hull making it look as if it is just catching some of the warm glow would probably make it all work wonderfully for me.
I will follow with interest what others have to say. It is certainly a great scene and maybe I am just to picky.
Last edited by pnodrog; 23rd September 2012 at 08:57 PM.
Really beautiful image. Well done!
Most people will probably disagree with me that you might want to consider toning down the lamplight source and the reflections of lamplight in the water (all on the right side of the image; the lamplights on the left side are fine). Their intensity takes away from the tranquility of the scene for me.
Last edited by IvorJRoberts; 23rd September 2012 at 05:25 PM. Reason: wrong image
I have moved your images into a new thread entitles Images from Ivor
Beautiful image, captured at a lovely part of the day. I see the possibilty of a second picture here, if you crop from the right hand side to almost the centre of the picture where there appears to be a post by the boat jutting out into the estuary.
No comment on my comment but just in case it was confusing I am illustrating what I proposed. The adjustment is a bit stronger than needed but I want to make sure it is apparent at the small size.
Suggested adjustment.
I felt if that introducing a bit of the warm tones from the right to the left side would help balance it - not that it needs much assistance. Actually it probably ends up looking as it would have looked with the lighting several minutes before the photo was taken except that the moon would have been less visible.
Thanks Jeff. I am always a bit hesitant to muck around with someone else's work but I liked it so much that I thought I should risk it. If I had not liked it I would not have bothered. Did I manage time travel?