Wooden garden rake?
Hairbrush bristles?
well whatever it is its dirty and u should clean it...
does it go in water?
Old fashioned Wash Board ?
You might be right, but there again... you might not
Is it a fork?
Is it a steam radiator?
Hmmm, each 'thing' appears to be a sandwich construction of something pale and thin between two thicker things, possibly one with a 90 degree edge and the other with a chamfer or radius to it - or I could be misled by the lighting. I think I have seen it somewhere, but I can't put my finger on where.
Also, I'm not sure if there is a curvature to it, or if there is just uncorrected converging verticals?
a multi blade safety razor?
Come on people. This is not the type of response I expected.
Hmm...I was thinking it was cast metal because I thought the lighter edges in the centers were from a casting form.Is it backed with dark cloth?The gaps between don't look like shadow to me.