I have been playing around taking some images with my new toy. I thought that I would post one that I took this morning in Colour and a version in B&W and give a couple of observation. I was using the D7000, now it is a full frame so I have to pick up on some other differences. One is the image ever big and shrape, compared to the D7K, that said, I also purchased the 16-35mm f4 FX len, I had a 16-85mm DX len, when shooting at 16mm with my Lee filter holder with a polarizer on the DX len never had a problem, but now because the 16-35mm is a FX len, you end up with a big old circle of the image caused by the holder. Well it is a learning experience, one think I did find out is when taking a long exposure, these were about 2 minutes 45 seconds, with the D7K I never had to cover the eye viewer as to light leaking in, the light does not just leak in the with the D600 it is a flood. I had the viewfinder covered and it fell off, about 10 seconds off, before it was put back on, viewfinder away from the sun, image toasted. I do like to take long exposures so I guess that I am going to take a tuque with me all the time.
The image that I am posting was taken at f22, exposure 162 sec, ISO 50, 16mm as Nikon has not released the data to process raw files these were jpegs taken into raw to to processed.
Location: Cobourg Harbour, Ontario
This is the same image converted to B&W with Nik Silver Efex Pro 2